Wizard With A Gun muestra un nuevo diario de desarrollo
#IndieGames #Noticias #DevolverDigital #DiarioDeDesarrollo #GalvanicGames #Gunmancer039sDiary #WizardWithAGun
#indiegames #noticias #devolverdigital #diariodedesarrollo #galvanicgames #gunmancer039sdiary #wizardwithagun
Gunbrella sarà disponibile da metà settembre
#devolverdigital #doinksoft #gunbrella
Gunbrella’s release date sees its Murdery Poppins float down to shoot monsters in the face later this month - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/gunbrellas-release-date-sees-its-murdery-poppins-float-down-to-shoot-monsters-in-the-face-later-this-month #ActionAdventure #DevolverDigital #SinglePlayer #Platformer #Gunbrella #Sideview #Indie
#indie #sideview #Gunbrella #platformer #singleplayer #devolverdigital #ActionAdventure
I really like what #devolverdigital is doing. They publish some nice games and they have style! Was pleased to see them on #gamescom2023 Always with a great humour, I really enjoyed #broforce and #cultofthelamb
#devolverdigital #gamescom2023 #broforce #CultoftheLamb
Un asalto a mano armada y magia, Wizard With A Gun fija su fecha de lanzamiento en octubre
#noticias #devolverdigital #galvanicgames #wizardwithagun
Wizard with a Gun, annunciata la data di uscita
#devolverdigital #galvanicgames #wizardwithagun
Cult Of The Lamb and Don't Starve Together cross over to celebrate each other's birthdays - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/cult-of-the-lamb-and-dont-starve-together-cross-over-to-celebrate-each-others-birthdays #MultiplayerCompetitive #MultiplayerCooperative #Don'tStarveTogether #Birdview/Isometric #KleiEntertainment #DevolverDigital #ActionAdventure #MassiveMonster #NintendoSwitch #CultoftheLamb #SinglePlayer #Thirdperson #Hack&Slash; #Simulation #Strategy #Indie #RPG
#multiplayercompetitive #multiplayercooperative #don #birdview #kleientertainment #devolverdigital #ActionAdventure #MassiveMonster #nintendoswitch #CultoftheLamb #singleplayer #thirdperson #hack #simulation #strategy #indie #rpg
Dear video game publishers, PLEASE normalize this:
:youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkvgkZH6hYc
Seriously. Take note. This is how it's done!
#VideoGames #GameDev #Crunch #Publishing #Delays #Gaming #GamingNews #Devolver #DevolverDigital #DevolverGames #DevolverDelayed
#videogames #crunch #publishing #delays #gaming #gamingnews #devolver #devolverdigital #devolvergames #devolverdelayed #gamedev
El patriótico run’n gun Broforce recibe la esperada actualización Broforce Forever
#IndieGames #Noticias #Broforce #BroforceForever #DevolverDigital #FreeLive
#indiegames #noticias #broforce #broforceforever #devolverdigital #freelive
Devolver Digital rinvia al 2024 Anger Foot, Pepper Grinder, The Plucky Squire, Stick it to the Stickman, e Skate Story
#AngerFoot #DevolverDelayedShowcase20232024Edition #DevolverDigital #PepperGrinder #SkateStory #StickItToTheStickman #ThePluckySquire
#AngerFoot #devolverdelayedshowcase20232024edition #devolverdigital #peppergrinder #skatestory #stickittothestickman #thepluckysquire
Demo of #TheCosmicWheelSisterhood is really cool. Narrative game based around creating tarot cards to read fortunes. Looks like there are many elements to create unique card designs and meanings. Have always liked #deconstructeam style but bounced off most of their games; this looks like one I'll stick with.
#thecosmicwheelsisterhood #deconstructeam #devolverdigital #storygames
Devolver Digital rivela uno Showcase in cui saranno annunciati rinvii di giochi al 2024
#devolverdelayedshowcase20232024edition #devolverdigital
Broforce Forever is one final free update for the side-scrolling action movie celebration - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/broforce-forever-is-one-final-free-update-for-the-side-scrolling-action-movie-celebration #MultiplayerCooperative #MultiplayerCompetitive #PlayStationVita #DevolverDigital #ActionAdventure #FreeLivesGames #NintendoSwitch #SinglePlayer #Platformer #Broforce #Sideview #Shooter #Arcade #Indie #PS4 #Mac #PC
#pc #mac #ps4 #indie #arcade #shooter #sideview #broforce #platformer #singleplayer #nintendoswitch #freelivesgames #ActionAdventure #devolverdigital #playstationvita #multiplayercompetitive #multiplayercooperative
Oh c'est vraiment la bonne nouvelle du jour, The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood sort dans moins d'un mois !
J'ai fait la démo il y a quelques jours et j'étais de suite conquise 😍😍😍
#JeuxVideo #CosmicWheelSisterhood #DevolverDigital #Deconstructeam
#jeuxvideo #cosmicwheelsisterhood #devolverdigital #deconstructeam
The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood, annunciata la data di uscita: arriva ad agosto
#deconstructeam #devolverdigital #thecosmicwheelsisterhood
GUNBRELLA muestra un nuevo tráiler gameplay «Multitool of the Trade»
#IndieGames #Noticias #DevolverDigital #Doinksoft #Gunbrella #IndieGames
#indiegames #noticias #devolverdigital #doinksoft #gunbrella
Castle-building RTS Stronghold returning with new campaign in this year's remaster - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/castle-building-rts-stronghold-returning-with-new-campaign-in-this-years-remaster #Stronghold:DefinitiveEdition #Strategy:Real-TimeStrategy #MultiplayerCompetitive #Take-TwoInteractive #Birdview/Isometric #DevolverDigital #FireflyStudios #SinglePlayer #StrongholdHD #Historical #Simulation #Stronghold #Strategy #PC
#pc #simulation #Historical #strongholdhd #singleplayer #fireflystudios #devolverdigital #birdview #take #multiplayercompetitive #strategy #Stronghold
10 years old and #HotlineMiami is still one of my all-time favorite games to return to. Despite its frantic gameplay there are little games more relaxing after a stressful day. Turn up the volume and let yourself get carried away by the madness and insanity on screen. Almost a trance like experience.
I also prefer the first one over the sequel.
Trailer (pixel gore warning):
#hotlinemiami #nowplaying #gaming #videogames #devolverdigital
#cultofthelamb has taken an unexpected, turd turn. #poop #darkdesires #videogames #gaming #DevolverDigital
#cultofthelamb #poop #darkdesires #videogames #gaming #devolverdigital