750 years ago today. Lady Devorgilla of Galloway founded Sweetheart Abbey south of Dumfries on 10 April 1273, as a symbol of her love for her husband John Balliol, who had died in 1268. More pics and info: https://www.undiscoveredscotland.co.uk/newabbey/sweetheartabbey/index.html
#Scotland #Sweetheart Abbey #Abbey #Devorgilla #DumfriesAndGalloway #OnThisDay #UndiscoveredScotland
#undiscoveredscotland #onthisday #DumfriesAndGalloway #devorgilla #abbey #sweetheart #scotland
750 years ago today. Lady Devorgilla of Galloway founded Sweetheart Abbey south of Dumfries on 10 April 1273, as a symbol of her love for her husband John Balliol, who had died in 1268. More pics and info: https://www.undiscoveredscotland.co.uk/newabbey/sweetheartabbey/index.html
#Scotland #Sweetheart Abbey #Abbey #Devorgilla #DumfriesAndGalloway #UndiscoveredScotland
#undiscoveredscotland #DumfriesAndGalloway #devorgilla #abbey #sweetheart #scotland