Here's your early save-the-date notice for an exciting thing I'm planning in 2023:
Ink Sacrament
A Ritual Tattoo Intensive
Memorial Day weekend - May 25 - 28, 2023
La Selva Beach, California
This will be a multi-day retreat at a private homestead during which participants can receive a consecrated tattoo within a dedicated ritual space. Space will be quite strictly limited as I can only provide tattoos to a limited number of people within a weekend. I'm deep into planning mode with my co-hosts, and there will be more details to come soon. For now just mark your calendars and stay tuned!
#tattoo #DevotionalTattoo #RitualTattoo #DevotionalArt #polytheism
#tattoo #devotionaltattoo #ritualtattoo #devotionalart #polytheism