For our #MidweekMovie, we are recommending that you catch up with the #DevPres talks on @the_node. The speakers, Hannah Gruner, Seth Donoughe & @allan_littlecar all use microscopy to address research questions in #evodevo.
#midweekmovie #devpres #evodevo #devbio
Last, but by no means least, at #GRCdevbio23 is @Honghao_Song from @redmakeda's lab at @Harvard
Together, the Extavour lab investigates the evolution of the reproductive system.
@redmakeda is also a @Dev_journal Editor and Chair of our next #DevPres webinar on 2 August.
Take a look at the #DevPres programme of speakers on @the_node
Did you miss last week's Development presents... webinar?
Catch up on the talks from three #ECRs, Patricio Pérez-Henríquez,
Stefania Tavano and Stefan Harmansa:
#ecrs #devpres #devbio #morphogenesis