Slides for a new improved version of Whose Test Is It Anyway for #DevTalks uploaded at
It strips away the parts of messaging I confused myself and audiences with a week earlier, and comes to yet another framing I have for #ContemporaryExploratoryTesting in intersection of Improv in Testing, Ensemble/Pair Testing and Programmatic Tests.
#contemporaryexploratorytesting #devtalks
Story of adding programmatic quality gates to pushing to master in an organization that was used to spending most of their time on unfinished work. Pushing though change makes a fun story but also the ripple effects are scary here. 50 people leaving in a transformation. #DevTalks
The talk now at #DevTalks is on #ModelBasedTesting, topic I was working on 20 years ago. The speaker’s title promises one trillion dollars savings a year. I have to say that while I like MBT these sales talks don’t add to my enthusiasm.
Front-end developer Marian Reba Alexander joins #DevTalks in Romani from Denmark to share How Cypress united developers and QA engineers at Maersk. Logistics company has long flows for end to end.
At Bucharest, Romania for #DevTalks. Speaking tomorrow and heading home in Friday evening. This concludes my three travels before summer, leaving one after. Schedules are so much easier when doing only remote talks. 😂
I’m happy with the friends I’ve reconnected with and made in the travels. People are just wonderful.
Včera na devtalks v rámci popisu VGA grafiky byl člověk, který viděl poprvé Wolfenstein 3D :blobcatscream:
Bylo zvláštní vysvětlovat arkádovost hry, ale nebylo to o moc zvláštnější jako pocit boomra, který jsem při tom měl.
#millenialsproblems #millenialsarenewboomers
#vga #czech #devtalks #wolfenstein3d #boomershooter
#millenialsproblems #millenialsarenewboomers #vga #czech #devtalks #wolfenstein3d #boomershooter
Phew, all done and home. Thanks for a great week #devitconf and #devtalks! Now, time for a nap...
Always lovely to be at here in Bucharest - so many fascinating conversations. My slides are now up! Go take a look:
Thanks for having me! If you want to take a closer look into multi-stage #docker builds & IoT, my slides are here: #devtalks
Last chance to sign up for my workshop tonight in #Cluj!
Come learn how to build IoT with modern tools & practices at 6.30pm. Sign up here: #devtalks
Anybody want free tickets to, in #Cluj next week?
I've got 5 to give away free, first come first served! #devtalks