Live compile SASS in VS Code without needing to use a worker. Check out my post at
#sass #sasscompiler #scss #scsscompiler #sasscompile #vscode #vscodetips #vscodetip #designtips #design #dev #devtips #devtip
#sass #sasscompiler #SCSS #scsscompiler #sasscompile #vscode #VSCodeTips #vscodetip #designtips #Design #dev #devtips #devtip
#DevTip Adopt delegates for connection state updates: Use CMHeadphoneMotionManagerDelegate to receive connection state updates for headphone motion data. Listen for events like disconnect and connect, triggered by changes in device connectivity. #AppDevelopment
Do you use NPM and have a need to combine scripts and run in parallel? Follow my tip here:
#webdev #webdevelopment #javascript #js #npm #node #nodepackagemanager #devtip #devtips #developers #development #dev #web #webdevtip #scripts #scripting
#webdev #webdevelopment #javascript #js #npm #node #nodepackagemanager #devtip #devtips #developers #development #dev #web #webdevtip #scripts #scripting
#DevTip Quickly need to slugify / make an international string safe for URLs or file names?
Run `npx slugify-cli` followed by the string you’d like to slugify to use @sindresorhus’s excellent slugify without having to install an npm package globally. 🥳
(Requires node and npm to be installed)
#DevTip: thinking of starting a new cross platform app with Apache Cordova? Do yourself a favor and don't. This platform does have several advantages, but there are huge disadvantages as well.
I tweaked the 'key repeat' keyboard settings in Windows yesterday, and am finding it's made a big difference to the speed I can move around the IDE/editor when coding! Removes that short delay when holding down the cursor (or HJKL) keys #devtip
I tweaked the 'key repeat' keyboard settings in Windows yesterday, and am finding it's made a big difference to the speed I can move around the IDE/editor when coding! Removes that short delay when holding down the cursor (or HJKL) keys #devtip
#devtip #development #tips of the day
Command line configuration options are ultimately for humans. Having a large amount of unusual logic around them to initiate a runtime program is a sign you are doing it right. Expect a lot of weird if, else statements of unrelated options.
For example: If verbose, enable the logger and run single threaded.