I few weeks ago I created a Slack App to manage deployments between environments and wrote about it here:
What else would be interesting to see in a serverless-backed Slack App for CICD?
#AWSCommunity #serverless #cicd #devtools
Okay, this is HUGE 😱
I've just been named an #AWSHero in the #DevTools category! 🚀
Among all the recognitions I've had in my career, this one stands out in a league of its own. 😍
I am deeply, genuinely honored by this recognition. My heart is full of gratitude for all the support, encouragement, and shared passion from this amazing community. 🙇♀️
#AWS #DeveloperTools #Gratitude #CloudJourney
#awshero #devtools #aws #developertools #gratitude #cloudjourney
Casually dropping this here before I start my weekend … 👋
#scrolldrivenanimations #devtools #wip
Don't miss Mikw Rapa presenting a pair of cool sessions for developers at #techbash this fall.
Learn more and join us at the Kalahari Resort in the #poconos: https://techbash.com
#dotnet #python #devtools #webdev #developers #techevent #nepa #dotnetconf #devconference #browsers
#techbash #poconos #dotnet #python #devtools #webdev #developers #techevent #nepa #dotnetconf #devconference #browsers
⚡ Uno dei metodi per ridurre il tempo di caricamento e #LCP per le Hero image è l'uso dei priority hints, lo sappiamo.
👉 <img fetchpriority="high" ...>
💡 Ora #Chrome Dev Tools mostra la priorità iniziale e finale delle richieste. Utile!
🔗 Per approfondire LCP: https://www.alessiopomaro.it/come-ottimizzare-lcp-guida/
#lcp #chrome #seo #CWV #WebVitals #devtools
I'm loving using Godot-Aseprite-Wizard (https://github.com/viniciusgerevini/godot-aseprite-wizard) to import animations - it's one-click to create an animation per-tag directly from an aseprite file.
Adding a known list of tags works well with my current beat-em-up state machine (https://github.com/russmatney/dino/blob/ec09410e0bc32232654abbe47fff1cdf28df549d/addons/beehive/beatemup/BEUBody.gd#L24-L29), which expects ~12 animations to exist on a #GodotEngine AnimatedSprite2D.
#godotengine #devtools #solodev #aseprite
I wrote my first #Aseprite script this morning, and it definitely won't be the last!
I'm creating a slew of #BeatEmUp fighters today - the script adds tags (and frames) to the active sprite for a list of tag names. It uses app.transaction() to support a single undo to undo all the work of the script, which is nice in general but super helpful when debugging.
Overall, quite impressed by Aseprite's scripting integration!
#aseprite #beatemup #devlog #devtools #gamedev
Oh cool! Pulumi was top of this week's console newsletter 🚀
I am thinking that the proper way to build these queries requires scripting and a proper programming language, but I do want to keep it simple to write these ad-hoc.
Do you folks have suggestions of what I could use? One thing I don't want to do is have people recompile oak when they add a new command, but I also want to make it easy to iterate on the script, so, being able to use say a JS-ide to create the command.
Interested in learning more about debugging SEO issues via the Network panel in DevTools? Here's a lightning talk from @geekonaut from February where he runs through analyzing content not showing up in the rendered HTML & DOM (due to infinite scroll):
#devtools #chrome #seo #Google
🌀 Overwhelmed by all the ways to customize VS Code?
New blog post today covering most of the common settings/tools and my personal use cases to make VS Code your own 🏡:
(I also tried to make a tl;dr summary in the flow chart below 😁)
#devtools #customization #python #devcommunity #vscode
Useful #DevTools Tips and Tricks: "You might think you know all the tricks when it comes to browser DevTools, but did you know that there are dozens of panels and hundreds of features waiting to supercharge your debugging workflow? Whatever your debugging use case is, there’s probably a tool that’s right for the job. Let’s discover the most popular DevTools tips that can boost your productivity." https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2023/06/popular-devtools-tips/
#Firefox がめっちゃ早くなったと聞いて。
もともと開発用には Firefox 使ってたけど #Vivaldi が前より DevTools との相性改善したし #Chromium 系の開発ツールも前より良くなったってのもあって最近は普段使いしてる #Vivaldi を開発用にもそのまま使ってた。
Firefox はコンテナータブがあるから #Teams の複数アカウントログイン用だけに今使ってるんだけど、また開発用は #Firefox にもどそうかな( Firefox の #DevTools のほうが好き)
しかし #Firefox がそんなにパフォーマンス改善したのであれば #Floorp の存在感も増してくるな :tony_normal:
#firefox #vivaldi #chromium #teams #devtools #floorp
https://sweep.dev/ ty tworzysz tickety w swoim repozytorium kodu, a bot proponuje dla niech pull requesty ze zmianą, jaką oczekujesz. Do tego reaguje na twoje komentarze do pull requestów i poprawia proponowane zmiany.
Découvrez les nouveautés des outils de développement de Firefox 115 #DevTools #Newsletter #JourDeSorties https://fxdx.dev/firefox-devtools-newsletter-115/
#devtools #newsletter #JourDeSorties
How To Debug Components, State, and Events with Vue.js Devtools | DigitalOcean https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-debug-components-state-and-events-with-vue-js-devtools #components #developer #devtools #vue.js #debug #state #event #howto
#components #developer #devtools #vue #debug #state #event #howto
Nice little article on dev tools from @patrickbrosset.
See also: https://devtoolstips.org/