I'm still not quite ready to go back to GenCon in person (Thank you #DoubleExposure for #DexLite this year with decent safety protocols) but the online track is still limping along so I just bought a bunch of tickets to play what's there. I do miss the big conventions, but it was bad enough when all I had to worry about was con crud.
Returned from #DexLite convention today. I brought the family (who aren’t really gamers) and we all had a great time. We may have made a few converts.
I had great fun gaming with @rrook, @angelacraft, @lula, and Michael S. Miller (http://ipressgames.com/). They’re all great GMs and players, so check out their stuff. I own most of their games and enjoy them all.
#dexlite #ttrpg #dexlite2023 #rpgcon
About to start packing for trip to DexLite convention in Morristown, NJ this weekend. We’ll be there all day Fri and Sat and have lots of games lined up. Very excited!
#dexlite #dexlite2023 #ttrpg #rpgconnvention
Well, we’re here! … In the past I’d hang out in the lobby, get a drink, and see who walks by, but now I don’t know how to do this #DexLite