Dezene Huber 🌻 · @dezene
818 followers · 1084 posts · Server

Speaking of and shells, they often occur via co- with :

“Asian snail-eating (Pareas) have more teeth on the right mandible and specialize in predation on the clockwise-coiled majority in shelled snails by soft-body extraction. Snails have countered the snakes’ dextral-predation by recurrent coil reversal, which generates diverse counterclockwise-coiled prey where Pareas snakes live.”

🐌 🐍

#dextral #sinistral #snail #Evolution #predation #snakes

Last updated 2 years ago

fx dechaume-moncharmont · @fxdm
428 followers · 442 posts · Server

The vast majority of species has (right-handed) shell. individuals are extremely rare in snails. Here is a very nice citizen science project investigating the developmental origin of this . biology
📄 Davison et al. (2020) Internet ‘shellebrity’’ reflects on origin of rare mirror-image snails.’ Biology Letters 16:20200110

#gastropod #dextral #Sinistral #chirality #science #ontogeny #snail #shell #citizenscience

Last updated 5 years ago