Try using a fediverse server list that shows if a server is under CloudFlare's control.

Another way is to try accessing site while running the DigitalFeudalismCounterAction () BigTechBlocker for linux, and then try visiting the site in or via the 'wget' linux command. Eg.:


If a popup appears saying a is blocked then don't signup on it with your either.

#dfca #firefox #technoFascist #torbrowser #useanoncagemafiainstance

Last updated 1 year ago

STOP WAITING FOR gutless to enforce .

This for not only blocks the likes of , Microsoft, , 'Twitter-buyer', , and a few others, but also *tells you* with a little notification when it does.

Find here:

…also here:

Find at tracker2.postman.i2p (I2P link).

#politicians #antitrust #firewall #linux #amazon #cloudflare #google #digitalfeudalismcounteraction #torrent #dfca #fediblock #technofeudalism #stoptechnofeudalism #cageMafia #dotcons

Last updated 1 year ago

IN CASE ANYONE WAS UNDER A ROCK someone has finally done it!

A setup that allows all(?) users to not only block the likes of , Amazon, , Twitter-buyer, and more, but that also *tells you* with a slick notification when it does!

Its called '' and it brings us great joy.

Install instructions:

Also available as torrent at tracker2.postman.i2p

#firewall #linux #google #cloudflare #digitalfeudalismcounteraction #fediblock #technofeudalism #dfca #i2plife #cageMafia

Last updated 1 year ago

Two awkward questions.

a) is there a short url to that Freedom Ladder page, our client has not implemented a 'Copy URL' function yet.

b) what is the gist of the 'France moves to surveillance state' page on a cloudFlare website. We block CloudFlare and other C.A.G.E.M.A.F.I.A. domains with the help of


Last updated 1 year ago

By the way, we have been using DFCA and found that a concerning number of firms are running nodes. One is (very conspicuously) running both (non-bridging nodes) and I2P nodes.

Are you aware of this?

#bigtechblocker #bigtech #i2p #tor #TrafficAnalysis #chainanalysis #bitcoin #dfca

Last updated 1 year ago

Dear Activists,

Please do not use .

It is 'reverse-proxied' by an service called *. Reverse-proxy means it unencrypts all traffic to "ensure quality of service". Back when encryption of sites was a basic priority this would be called , or a .

Consider to block the dot-'cons' and their spyware.

* not to be confused with , which does the same and is equally bad.

#eventbrite #amazon #Cloudfront #spyware #maninthemiddleattack #dfca #cloudflare

Last updated 1 year ago

Google have apparently given instances 7 days to shutdown.

Kill Google, now.

Please spread the Blocker, called (Digital Feudalism Counter Action) like a virus, print out flyers about it. It only works on linux too, so its a great way to murder Microsoft at the same time.

#invidious #bigtech #dfca #killgoogle #murdermicrosoft

Last updated 1 year ago


Also uploaded the here (I2P):

B32 (I2P):

And, as previously stated (Tor):

#bigtechblocker #dfca #digitalfeudalismcounteraction

Last updated 1 year ago

HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE someone's finally done it!

Finally a that allows all(?) users to not only block the likes of , Amazon, , Twitter-buyer, and more, but that also *tells you* with a slick notification when it does!

Overjoyed r.n.

The install instructions (on I2P, change .su => .i2p):

Above link will work for 36 hours.

Also available as torrent at tracker2.postman.i2p


#firewall #linux #google #cloudflare #fediblock #technofeudalism #dfca #i2plife

Last updated 1 year ago

HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE someone has finally done it!

Finally a system that allows all(?) users to not only block the likes of , Amazon, , Twitter-buyer, and more, but that also *tells you* with a slick notification when it does!

Overjoyed right now.

Install instructions (on I2P, change .su => .i2p):

Above link will work for 36 hours.

Also available as torrent at tracker2.postman.i2p

#firewall #linux #google #cloudflare #fediblock #technofeudalism #dfca #i2plife

Last updated 1 year ago


Your post reminds us of an application we saw on an I2P tracker recently that blocks such as , and the like, don't quote us, but pretty sure it was something like (or ).

It also apparently has a way to tell the user which app tried 'phoning home'.

Looking forward to testing it.

Because is never given, it needs to be taken. Thus a solution like DFCA sounds about right.

#torrent #dotcons #google #amazon #digitalfeudalismcounteraction #dfca #privacy #blockgoogle

Last updated 1 year ago