6) socioeconomic indicators
Dependency ratio
Literacy rates
Effective literacy rate
#India to have #150+crore population by 2030
7) disability indicators
a) person type
b) event type
8) impairment , disability , handicap
9) disability indicators :-
a) #DALY :- measure burden/severity grade of disease
Highest DALY :- seen with #depression
b) #QALY :- effectiveness of an intervention
c) #HALE :- good indicator of health status of a country
d) #Sullivan's index / #DFLE
10) #ICD10 AND #ICD11
Colour ,chapters , volumes ,new chapters
Chapter X,F,U---R
Category and subcategory chapter codes
Browser based , Arabic numeral chapter numbers
Chapter 6d, 21,26, V
11) types of cases
Incubation period
Types of carriers
#india #daly #depression #qaly #hale #sullivan #dfle #icd10 #icd11
In today’s publication Margherita Moretti and Cosmo Strozza present new evidence on #inequalities in #disability-free life expectancy (#DFLE) for Italians 65+. The same level of DFLE at the national level for women and men hides great #geographical and #social inequalities. 📄 https://www.demographic-research.org/volumes/vol47/29/
#inequalities #disability #dfle #geographical #social