12月1日(金)13:00-16:30に、エレクトロニクス実装学会 #JIEP 検査&ものづくりイノベーション研究会が2023年度公開研究会 “いまさら聞けない『実装基板検査の基礎技術とDFT』~製造業のDXを加速させる「デジタルツイン」~” を開催。講演3件。東京都品川区・シーメンスEDAジャパンにて。詳細は https://jiep.or.jp/tech-committees/pdf/20231201.pdf に。
#Seminar #PCBA #Inspection #DFT
#jiep #seminar #pcba #inspection #dft
多彩な電子相を示す有機化合物の 物理特性を支配する重要パラメータの特定に成功 ――物質設計への新たな指針を発見―― | 熊本大学 https://www.kumamoto-u.ac.jp/whatsnew/sizen/20230713
Ticket offices face mass closures in leaked government train plans
#TicketOffices #closures #rmt #disabled #tourists #tourism #OccasionalTravellers #trains #CashPurchases #children #dft #vulnerable #safety
Hi everyone 🤗 my new video is already online: stereoelectronic effects (https://youtu.be/4xRwARnefCk) as a way of modeling chemical reactivity in #compchem. Reblogs appreciated. #Chemistry #Science #DFT #womeninscience
#compchem #chemistry #science #dft #womeninscience
Good news! Please check out my first first author publication in @PCCP In this work, we show the quantum-chemical nature of ion-pair interactions in closocarborane salts. Reblogs appreciated 😊 https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2023/cp/d2cp04489g … #compchem #DFT #womeninscience #chemistry #programming
#compchem #dft #womeninscience #chemistry #programming
Presentation: I'm a mathematician moving towards data science topics, based in Chile. Some interests:
#geometry #datageometry #discretegeometry #materialscience
#GraphNeuralNetwork #GNNs
#topology #TDA #metricspaces
#equivariantneuralnetwork #enns #convolutionalneuralnetwork #networkscience
#computationalchemistry #dft #pinns
#learningTheory #generalization
#marinescience #biodiversity #oceanscience
#geometry #datageometry #discretegeometry #materialscience #hyperbolicneuralnetwork #graphneuralnetwork #gnns #topology #tda #metricspaces #equivariantneuralnetwork #enns #convolutionalneuralnetwork #networkscience #computationalchemistry #dft #pinns #optimaltransport #learningtheory #generalization #expressivity #marinescience #biodiversity #oceanscience #phylogenetics
For those wondering what #quantumchemistry is .... ChatGPT has the answers:
from https://twitter.com/simonbatzner
#quantumchemistry #compchem #heochem #dft #openai #chatgpt
Another visualization of a #FastFourierTransform implementation which is different from the usual depiction of a #FFT. (Of course only the depiction is different, the FFT isn't). The image shows the #FractalComposition of a FFT for 16 input and output values. The yellow boxes do the elementary #DFT (#DiscreteFourierTransform). They also are called "#DecimatioButterflies".
#fastfouriertransform #fft #fractalcomposition #dft #discretefouriertransform #decimatiobutterflies
Another visualization of a #FastFourierTransform implementation which is different from the usual depiction of a #FFT. (Of course only the depiction is different, the FFT isn't). The image shows the #FractalComposition of a FFT for 16 input and output values. The yellow boxes do the elementary #DFT (#DiscreteFourierTransform). They also are called "#DecimatioButterflies".
#fastfouriertransform #fft #fractalcomposition #dft #discretefouriertransform #decimatiobutterflies
This visualization of a #FastFourierTransform implementation is different from the usual depiction of a #FFT. (Of course only the depiction is different, the FFT isn't). The image shows the #FractalComposition of a FFT for 16 input and output values. The yellow boxes do the elementary #DFT (#DiscreteFourierTransform). They also are called "#DecimatioButterflies".
#fastfouriertransform #fft #fractalcomposition #dft #discretefouriertransform #decimatiobutterflies
Progress on stopping #DevilFacialTumour or #DFT in #TasmanianDevils.
"We have discovered that a modified virus, like the attenuated adenovirus used in the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine, can make devil facial tumour cells more visible to the devil immune system.
We have also found key immune targets on devil facial tumour cells. These combined advances allow us to move forward with a vaccine that helps the devil immune system find and fight the cancer."
#devilfacialtumour #dft #tasmaniandevils
I am a #postdoc at the #FritzHaberInstitut in #Berlin working as a #computationalchemist on #machinelearning and #NMR!
Interested in #spectroscopy #bigdata and started my PhD at #Cambridge working on density functional theory (#dft) and ab initio MD but now moving towards machine learning interatomic potentials as a postdoc
#postdoc #FritzHaberInstitut #berlin #computationalchemist #machinelearning #NMR #spectroscopy #bigdata #cambridge #dft