Working with naturalistic stimuli in #psycholinguistics? Don't forget to submit to our DGfS workshop Naturalistic Approaches to Reference! Deadline 15th August. #DGfS #DGfS2024
#psycholinguistics #dgfs #dgfs2024
Here is your reminder to submit an abstract for the working group “Evaluating register(s)” at the Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society #DGfS2024! Deadline: 25 August 2023. I’ll be an invited discussant at this one 😊
#Linguistics #Sociolinguistics #LanguageIdeologies #Register
#register #languageideologies #sociolinguistics #linguistics #dgfs2024
Check the call for papers of the panel "Evaluating register(s)" at the #DGfS2024 in Bochum, for which I'm excited and honored to be a discussant:
#linguistics #conferences #dgfs2024