Ok, this is what I need:
A #Linux #distro, that
- is #Debian based
- has #KDE #Plasma
- has no problems with a #AMD / #nVidia #GPU (AMD #iGPU & nVidia #dGPU) system
- is good and usable for normal / office tasks, #coding, #gaming, #3D modelling and post prod.
- doesn't end with *buntu as they send data home just as vanilla Ubuntu
Any ideas?
(Already tried KDE #Neon, but it has #driver issues with my GPUs. If someone has a fix I am happy to grab and test it!)
#FollowerPower #driver #neon #3d #Gaming #Coding #dgpu #igpu #gpu #Nvidia #AMD #Plasma #KDE #Debian #distro #Linux