Would you give me a link/hint/shout when the talks are available?
#dgpuk2023 #DGPuK23
Our paper is currently under review, so stay tuned. But Christian and @analog_a already have a paper out on the empirical case, and a conceptual focus on agency https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/13548565231174588?utm_source=selligent&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=&utm_content=&utm_term=&m_i=aZV1uNcjSbXWsHgcR8Mtb7xYTzRAwkRimPeJ8oaniog2BeuRm1YiLSxj2vOwU0ufiCSlIGFCR61EItGEw73IKtmRy6JJ7PiePxHwa1&M_BT=39341833978032 //#dgpuk23 #dgpuk2023 #ica23 @Palomaviejo
We presented this with a framing: from tech fix to human fix, at #dgpuk23 #dgpuk2023, contrasting this with an empirical study by @Palomaviejo on content moderators https://sciences.social/@Andreas_Hepp/110394939637619881 (en route to #ica23)
This work is based on the conceptually and methodologically ambitious project AMBITION @zemki. „It’s a lot of data, small bits, hard to aggregate, understand, contextualise“ https://ambition.uni-bremen.de/@patrick_zerrer@sciences.social #dgpuk2023
Now, @patrick_zerrer presenting joint work with Stephanie Geise on political information repertoires and engagement in the context of climate activism #dgpuk2023
It's so nice to sit in a packed room with colleagues and see your PhD candidate rocking the show:
Laura Liebig doing a powerful and perfectly timed talk on her dissertation in a nutshell #dgpuk2023 https://sciences.social/@pgmt/110400215204835435
Today, our Laura Liebig is presenting on discursive power and agenda setting in the German AI discourse in a packed room at #dgpuk2023. This work is based on her dissertation @zemki and our project Shaping AI
Mark makes a very strong argument that technologies strongly shaped by the social contexts they are being embedded in (facial recognition - surveillance economy) #dgpuk2023 (2/x)
Now keynote by @markandrejevic on „Granular Biopolitics and the Recession of the Social“ #dgpuk2023 (1/x)
Day 2 #dgpuk2023 kick-off: Stephanie Geise introducing @markandrejevic for his keynote
As final talk in this panel, Christian Pentzold and I presented our paper with @Palomaviejo on the illusion of automation and the mundane practices of human labour: https://sciences.social/@Andreas_Hepp/110394939637619881 #dgpuk2023 // @zemki @unibremen
Now, conference #dgpuk2023 has started, and @cka is covering this here: https://aoir.social/@cka/110394009563406110
Next up: Anne Mollen und Sigrid Kannengießer on Sustainability of Infrastructures of Communicative AI: We need to confront the „magical AI“ discourse with actual practices on the ground (extraction of raw material, precarious, resource-intensity). #dgpuk2023
(An EN-lanugage and updated version will be published soon) #dgpuk2023 // @Andreas_Hepp @WLoosen @zemki @unibremen
The conceptual work is published as „Von der Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion zur kommunikativen KI“ in DE-language here: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11616-022-00758-4 @Andreas_Hepp @WLoosen @zemki @unibremen #dgpuk2023
Now we are into parallel tracks at #dgpuk2023. We are presenting in a panel on „communicative AI“ that @Andreas_Hepp and @WLoosen are kicking off with conceptual work and its reflection for journalism @zemki @unibremen
Now Elena Esposito is kicking off with here keynote „From Artificial Intelligence to Artificial Communication“ #dgpuk2023 @zemki @unibremen
Idee für ein #dgpuk2023 Trinkspiel: Immer dann einen Schnapps verklappen, wenn in irgend einem Talk „ChatGPT“ erwähnt wird…
Ready to go! We’re hosting #dgpuk2023 today and tomorrow @zemki @unibremen, the Annual Conference of the German Communication Association. This year on „Automation in Media and Communication“ w/ keynotes by Elena Esposito and Mark Andrejevic. https://dgpuk2023.de