stitches together 256 superchips
The DGX is an 8U system with dual Intel Xeons and eight H100 GPUs and about as many NICs. The DGX GH200, is a 24-rack cluster built on an all-Nvidia architecture. At the heart of this super-system is the chip. Unveiled at March GTC in 2022, blending a 72-core Arm-compatible Grace CPU cluster and 512GB of LPDDR5X memory with an 96GB GH100 Hopper GPU die using the company's 900GBps NVLink-C2C interface.

#nvidia #dgx #gh200 #H100 #gracehopper

Last updated 1 year ago

DACBARBOS Brand · @dacbarbos
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Omniverse, Megatron, Morpheus, Transformers, Grace, Software writing software and other mind blowing tech available now.

#ai #cpu #gpu #dpu #dgx #egx #hpc

Last updated 4 years ago