I see many moans and complaints about #DH2023 evaluation and selection process. I was PC CoChair in #dh2019, and we already had seen this happen. Truth is there is no more such a thing as a One Global DH Scholarly community. The Big Tent has collapsed, and #DH era is coming to an end
From 2019, not this year's conference, but you can see the problem's been there for years:
RT @beesandthanku
@bestqualitycrab Been out of DH-world for awhile, but this reminds me of the reviews for a panel that some colleagues and I submitted to #dh2019. Scores of 92, 100, 74, and (drumroll please)... 10. 🙃🙃🙃 Wonder if it was the same person.
"Maps Re-imagined: Digital, Informational, and Perceptional Experimentations in Progress"
Finally clean up and upload the slides we prepared for #DH2019. Chih-Chuan Hsu, a master's student from NCKU, delivered the presentation. We did the Q&A together.
RT @GrandjeanMartin@twitter.com
Today, @jacomyma@twitter.com and I will present our work in progress paper about how to “read” networks and how to “translate” them into the language of the humanities. The abstract is here: https://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/halshs-02179024
[#DH2019 2pm Uitloopfoyer]
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/GrandjeanMartin/status/1149587655249629184
RT @markiaaan@twitter.com
On occasion of my presentation with @vik_bru@twitter.com & Anna Busch at #DH2019 we added a new »Dark Mode« to our @FontaneArchiv@twitter.com @uclab_potsdam@twitter.com prototype that positions books/authors based on similarity between quantitative occurrences of reading traces. Check it out https://uclab.fh-potsdam.de/ff
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/markiaaan/status/1150459038766964738
Searching Patterns in the Weimar Jazz Database
#DH2019 Session LP-34: Cultural Heritage, Art/ifacts and Institutions
Patterns of Early Modern Authorship: Using Metadata as Historical Record
The Quotable Musical Text in a Digital Age: Modeling Complexity in the Renaissance and Today
Digging Into Pattern Usage Within Jazz Improvisation (Pattern History Explorer, Pattern Search and Similarity Search)
#DH2019 Session P-26: Confronting Complexity of Babel in a Global and Digital Age
#DH2019 Session P-17: Clearing the Air for Maintenance and Repair: Strategies, Experiences, Full Disclosure
#DH2019 Panel
"Open Data, Open Edition: How Can the Inferences Between Scientific Papers and Evidence Be Managed?"
RT @uclab_potsdam@twitter.com
This morning @FontaneArchiv@twitter.com’s Anna Busch and our @vik_bru@twitter.com & @markiaaan@twitter.com presented »Scalable Exploration. Prototype Study For The Visualization Of An Author’s Library […]« at #DH2019
Note the new dark mode for seeing similarities among authors and books!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/uclab_potsdam/status/1149278408855216133
"output in .csv files stored in a git repository … aims for clarity, ease of use, and sustainability"
"Publishers, Printers and Booksellers - Implications of Properly Structured Metadata for Digital History" by Ville Vaara, Mark Hill, Mikko Tolonen.
The English Short Title Catalogue (ESTC)
Helsinki Computational History Group
#DH2019 Session SP-14: History and Historiographies
RT @markiaaan@twitter.com
Just finished my long paper presentation at #DH2019 featuring my Raoul Hausmann collection prototype developed in cooperation with @BG_Museum@twitter.com & @uclab_potsdam@twitter.com:
Prototype: https://uclab.fh-potsdam.de/hausmann/
English demo video: https://vimeo.com/273889290
Abstract: https://dev.clariah.nl/files/dh2019/boa/0208.html
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/markiaaan/status/1148961184621760513
RT @spouyllau@twitter.com
Comment aider les communautés de recherche #SHS à s’approprier le numérique (méthodes, enjeux, outils) ? @Huma_Num@twitter.com fait un retour sur 8 ans d’expérience des consortiums et de ses services à la conférence #DH2019 d'Utrecht. https://twitter.com/Huma_Num/status/1148521133462949889
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/spouyllau/status/1148850088200065024
RT @frederickaplan@twitter.com
“Repopulating Paris: massive extraction of 4 Million addresses from city directories between 1839 and 1922” presents an extraction process that permits to envision to conduct similar studies on the population of many other cities in the world. https://dev.clariah.nl/files/dh2019/boa/0878.html #dh2019
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/frederickaplan/status/1148895123864018944
RT @uclab_potsdam@twitter.com
We're very excited to be in Utrecht for #DH2019 with three talks on visualizing collections of art, design, and literary history.
Here is a quick preview:
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/uclab_potsdam/status/1148565166763728896
Woot! We have three papers accepted to #DH2019 about
• scalable exploration of #Fontane's reading traces,
• relational views on a #Dada artist's collection, and
• a hybrid #visualization blending close-ups into overviews.
Joint work with @FontaneArchiv @BG_Museum #MKGHamburg
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/uclab_potsdam/status/1101501727298240512
#mkghamburg #visualization #dada #fontane #dh2019