@Literature_Geek I'm working on going through my photo backlog (as far back as the beginning of spring quarter), but there is so much good #DHmakes stuff coming after #DH2023. Stay tuned!
So you thought your sample was balanced. Lawrence Evalyn has a thought or two #DH2023
@LivingWithMachines not forgetting Kaspar Beelen, who did most of the talking… #dh2023
If you went to #DH2023 you know these doors have stories to tell. Stories about at least four unfortunate individuals that wanted to go places. And one temporarily very disoriented waiter..
I'm doing my part to make DH more diverse and multilingual.
Come to the "Literary Challenges" panel at 11:00 if you're interested in collaborating with the Golem Lab. Https://golemlab.eu #DH2023 @dh2023graz
So you're classifying millions of documents into fiction and non-fiction and you end up with these as the most distinguishing features… what are we going to do with that? (Nice work by Ryan Dubnicek and @TedUnderwood #DH2023)
Yesterday, someone asked me at #DH2023 if I could do a coauthorship network for #digitalhumanities conferences with the work @scott_bot has done. Here are the results. The numbers are just IDs not rank. In addition, the software seems to have trouble with accent letters):
Yesterday, someone asked me at #DH2023 if I can do a coauthorship network for #digitalhumanities conferences with the work @scott_bot has done. Here are the results (the numbers are just id's not rank): https://ouestware.gitlab.io/retina/1.0.0-beta.1/#/graph/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgist.githubusercontent.com%2Fnabsiddiqui%2F5d5633412fd8393fb1159c48137beb1d%2Fraw%2F07a2c22f9ccc3636571c917b67d0af1c2ed6378b%2FDH%252520Authors%252520Network.gexf&c=t-n&ca[]=t-n&ca[]=e&st=a<=0.1&le=24
Now that I’m following the #DH2023 remotely this year, it really hurts to see how fractured our community is across platforms. Also before Elmo blew a hole into our infrastructure, not everybody was on Twitter, but many were. I’m mainly on Mastodon this year, and I was hoping it would work as a new home for the #DH community. It kind of does, I really enjoy the conversations with many of our peers here, and I don’t want to spend more time over there. But here as there, it’s just shards left.
It's a small thing, but if you are at #DH2023, please try to include your mastadon handle at the beginning or end of any slides, presentations, etc. so that people know there is a community here.
Hey lovely people at #DH2023 I have a #SPARQL challenge.How to query from this item (https://osloddt.wikibase.cloud/wiki/Item:Q220883) all possible pairs/couples of items that are related via P42 (gebracht door) are returned. So an increment on this query (https://tinyurl.com/24ntbdtt) that gives all possible pairs of "?credits" that were related via P42 to a "?werk". And then, that pair is "weighted" by the amount of ?werk that "connects" the ?credits via a P42. It should generate a network visualisation of ?credits Doable?
Notes from THE #DH2023 keynote Q&A, to be sung to the tune of the classic Batman theme: "Na na na na na na na na BLOCKCHAIN!"
Toma Tasovac pivots deftly from chiding people from standing in the back instead of sitting in the front row to... The crisis of the #humanities. #DH2023
The poor representative politician from the city of Graz, David Ram, was not prepared for Random Access Memory jokes in his introduction. "I don't know a lot about what you do so I did some research and... It seems pretty important." #DigitalHumanities #DH2023
Props to Walter Scholger for his excellent #DigitalHumanities documentation, to our collective benefit at the #DH2023 opening remarks.
Wrapping up our second full day of #ADHO meetings (in rooms with no air conditioning and limited ventilation) before the #DH2023 conference officially starts. ADHO doesn't organize itself -- like so much of DH, it's people. Tired, sweaty people who've nonetheless managed to do some satisfying work. #DigitalHumanities
#digitalhumanities #dh2023 #adho