"As rust that's arisen from iron,
Once arisen from it, eats it away,
His own actions lead to an evil destination
The one who misuses the requisites"
- Dhammapada verse 240
#buddhism #dhammapada #buddhist
Ho creato un #blog, ma non sarà un diario.
Conterrà la mia traduzione in italiano del #Dhammapada ("La via del dhamma"), testo cardine del #buddhismo.
Le traduzioni esistenti non mi soddisfano, alcune le trovo addirittura fuorvianti, così ho deciso di imbarcarmi in quest'opera.
Il collegamento al blog compare anche nel mio profilo.
Per chi non sapesse che cos'è il dhamma, o dharma, l'enciclopedia Treccani riporta una voce esaustiva:
Another one of my favourite verses from the Dhammapada, verse 122 (or 9:7):
You should not think lightly of good
('It will not come to me').
By the falling of drops of water
A water-pot is filled;
The wise one is filled with good
Though he practise it little by little.
I picked up the Dhammapada today and this verse popped out at me (Chapter XIII, v. 172). It reminded me that #sober means more than just "no longer using drugs or alcohol." Sober can describe someone who is "earnestly thoughtful in character or demeanor," "unhurried," "calm," and "showing no excessive or extreme qualities of fancy, emotion, or prejudice." (Source: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/sober)
Sober is the state to which we should all aspire.
#spirituality #spiritualbnr #dhammapada #buddha #sober
Morning #Meditation: The foolish and ignorant indulge in heedlessness, unlike the wise who protect their awareness like a treasure.
Morning #Meditation: Often reciting the sacred texts without putting them into practice is like a cowherd who only counts the cows of others.
Better than a thousand meaningless statements
Is one meaningful word,
Which, having been heard,
Brings peace.
Better than a thousand meaningless verses
Is one meaningful line of verse
Which, having been heard,
Brings peace.
Better than reciting a hundred meaningful verses
Is one line of Dharma
Which, having been heard,
Brings peace.
🌱 Today’s #DailySutta:
Dhp 222 From… Kodha Vagga: Anger
“The one who keeps anger in check as it arises……”
Read the sutta
📖 https://daily.readingfaithfully.org/dhp-222-from-kodha-vagga-anger/?=MDS
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#anger #Dhammapada #Theravada #PaliCanon #RealBuddhaQuotes #Suttas #Dhamma #Buddhism #Buddha
#dailysutta #anger #dhammapada #theravada #PaliCanon #realbuddhaquotes #suttas #dhamma #buddhism #buddha
If, as one fares [through life], one does not find a companion who is better or equal, let one resolutely pursue the solitary course; there can be no fellowship with the fool. --- Dhp. V: Fools, Verse 61.
The section on "fools" in the Dhammapada very eloquently offers some of the timeless and most valuable of advices, that may well serve in today's society better then ever. 😀
A gift of Dhamma excels all gifts;
The taste of the Dhamma excels all tastes;
The delight in Dhamma excels all delights;
The ending of craving, excels all suffering & stress.
#sangha #dharma #buddha #dhammapada
Nachdem ich nun 4 Übersetzungen des #Dhammapada gelesen habe hier ein Fazit: Die Übers. von Easwaran/Kobbe (Goldmann) und Schiekel (Herder) sind beide großartig und inspirierend und ergänzen sich gut. Die Übers. von Cleary/Wallossek finde ich deutlich weniger gut, aber die Kommentare haben mir teils sehr gefallen. Enttäusched fand ich die Übers. von Nyanatiloka (dessen "Das Wort des Buddha" superb ist), weil die Sprache für mich einfach sehr überholt und wenig inspirierend ist. #Buddhismus
Tipitaka (Sansktrit: Tripitaka), the Buddhist canon, consists of three pitaka (Tri means three and Pitaka refers to boxes), namely Vinaya or Monastic regimen, Sutta (Sanskrit: Sutra) or Discourses and Abhidhamma (Sanskrit: Abhidharma) or Abstract doctrine.https://www.worldhistory.org/Dhammapada/ #Buddhism #BuddhistLiterature #Dhammapada #History
#History #dhammapada #buddhistliterature #buddhism
“Just as a flower, which seems beautiful has color but no perfume, so are the fruitless words of a man who speaks them but does them not.”
― Dhammapada https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhammapada
#bot #quote #FamousQuotes #dhammapada
It is difficult to be born a human;
Difficult is the life of mortals;
It is difficult to hear the true Dharma;
Difficult is the arising of the Buddhas.
Doing no evil,
Engaging in what is skilful,
And purifying one’s mind:
This is the teaching of the Buddhas.
#threejewels #sangha #dharma #buddha #dhammapada
Morning #meditation
Hatred is never overcome by hatred it can only be overcome by non-hatred. This is an eternal law.
The #Dhammapada
#meditation #dhammapada #buddhism #theravada #theravadabuddhism
Mal wieder ein Vers den in mir an die Wand pinseln sollte: "Sei wachsam; beschütze deinen Geist vor negative Gedanken. Zieh dich aus schlechten Gewohnheiten heraus, so wie ein Elefant sich selbst aus dem Morast befreit." #Buddhismus #Dhammapada vers 327 Übers. Easwaran/Kobbe
"Hafte an nichts, und du bist befreit von Leid und Angst" #dhammapada vers 212 Übers. Easwaran/Kobbe #buddhismus #zen
Die Leichtigkeit des Sich-Gehenlassens und die Mühseligkeit der Selbstbeherschung. Frei nach #Dhammapada Vers 163. Mein ständiges Spannungsfeld. #Buddhismus
🌱 Today’s #DailySutta:
Dhp 13 From… Loka Vagga: The World (167-178)
“Better than sole dominance over the earth…”
Read the sutta
📖 https://daily.readingfaithfully.org/dhp-13-from-loka-vagga-the-world-167-178/?=MDS
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#StreamEntry #Dhammapada #Theravada #PaliCanon #RealBuddhaQuotes #Suttas #Dhamma #Buddhism #Buddha
#dailysutta #streamentry #dhammapada #theravada #PaliCanon #realbuddhaquotes #suttas #dhamma #buddhism #buddha
Those who entertain such thoughts as “He abused me, he beat me, he conquered me, he robbed me” Will not still their hatred.
Those who do not entertain such thoughts as “He abused me, he beat me, he conquered me, he robbed me” Will still their hatred.
Not by hatred are hatreds every pacified. They are pacified by love. This is the eternal law.
The Dhammapada
#kindness #Metta #love #buddha #dhammapada