Had a good time at DreamHack Atlanta today. I moderated a panel and I felt it went really well!
There was a good indie game showing and some neat stuff being made both in the Atlanta game dev scene and beyond.
I'll be talking about #DHAtlanta and showing some B-Roll I took on my podcast scream Sunday night at 8PM ET/5PM PT over at the Voice of Geeks Network Twitch channel.
RT @bigwillieisms@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/bigwillieisms/status/1594010992811380736
RT @IntelGaming@twitter.com
The Alchemist has arrived at the #IntelArc Truck 🧙
@Daniellednicola@twitter.com never fails to impress with her cosplay skills 💯! #DHAtlanta