K‮ly‬e · @khird
161 followers · 1035 posts · Server qoto.org

For anyone using the DHCPv6 client app (be.mygod.dhcpv6client) on a recent version of Android, here's something that might save you some frustration - I learned it the hard way.

In theory, you'd only need the app to run occasionally if your leasetimes are reasonably long, so it's tempting to try and save battery by not exempting it from background restrictions. I figured I'd be clever and rig up a trigger to fire it every day plus whenever I reconnected to the network, which is probably cheaper than running a separate app constantly. And lo and behold, my wifi just couldn't hold a connection anymore.

After a lot of troubleshooting, it turns out that, when the app is killed off by the system, the underlying library removes any addresses it's acquired. On its face, this doesn't seem so bad, as the network should revert to IPv4-only after those addresses are removed. But it gets worse: because you stop receiving IPv6 traffic immediately, but the connectivity check takes a while to invalidate the cached IPv6 address it's monitoring, Android will interpret the fact that it's no longer receiving responses as evidence that the network failed. So your phone disconnects from the wifi - and if the whole cycle triggers on every connection, you'll never get more than about a minute of connectivity before it all comes crashing down.

So as far as I can tell, there's no alternative but to exempt it from background restrictions, and leave it running constantly even though you only need it to exchange a couple packets with the router every 24 hours. If anyone figures out a way to overcome this, I'd love to hear about it. Otherwise, I hope this helps someone else facing similar frustrations.

#android #ipv6 #dhcpv6 #dhcp

Last updated 1 year ago

Marek Küthe · @mark22k
127 followers · 921 posts · Server layer8.space

I'm trying DHCP and DHCPv6 on an Arduino Uno and I'm wondering why it doesn't work ... the script would use 264.3% RAM (5412 bytes / 2048 bytes).

#arduino #dhcp #dhcpv6 #ipv6 #outofmemory

Last updated 1 year ago

Andrei G. :unverified: · @ndrei
57 followers · 404 posts · Server fosstodon.org

Are there any users who made over with work (prefix delegation)? I have spent months debugging it while feeding a support ticket that goes nowhere. I can see packets that advertise the network prefix allocated by the ISP but not replies to router solicitations later. In effect, I never end up with an IPv6 on the router ().

Obviously, the ISP's router just works...

Did I ever mention my love-hate relationship with Ubiquiti?!

#ubiquiti #ipv6 #pppoe #dhcpv6 #udmpro #huawei

Last updated 1 year ago

AskUbuntu · @askubuntu
204 followers · 1765 posts · Server ubuntu.social

#dhcp #IPv6 #dhcpv6

Last updated 1 year ago

junicast · @junicast
21 followers · 252 posts · Server noc.social

Is it normal that the DUID for changes when I upgrade from Bullseye to Bookworm?
I don't get the concept behind this.

#ipv6 #linux #debian #dhcpv6

Last updated 1 year ago

Nagstamon · @nagstamon
10 followers · 4 posts · Server fosstodon.org
junicast · @junicast
18 followers · 217 posts · Server noc.social

Finding out your client’s duid for dhcp is a really tough task, especially considering all the different client implementations.


Last updated 1 year ago

Hambone Fakenamington · @CenturyAvocado
68 followers · 827 posts · Server fosstodon.org

@junicast Could it be that very few things support DHCPv6.. For example Android based devices will only use RA and not DHCPv6.
Can you find the devices you want in the "IPv6 Routing" tab, "IPv6 Neighbours" section on /cgi-bin/luci/admin/status/routes (if using gui).

#ipv6 #openwrt #dhcpv6

Last updated 2 years ago

junicast · @junicast
18 followers · 194 posts · Server noc.social

Is there an easier way to find a hosts for than just to sniff traffic?
I need to create static assignments on my device but the router doesn't show the DHCPv6 clients at all and the client aren't either.
This is really annoying.

#openwrt #dhcpv6 #ipv6 #uid

Last updated 2 years ago

Oliver · @olifantoliver
82 followers · 280 posts · Server norden.social

Lorenzo Colitti (main driver of not including on ) has now proposed a compromise for all big networks who want to use DHCPv6 to assign addresses:

Prefix Delegation with /64 via flag in the PIO:

Accountability ✅

This looks like a solid compromise to me for huge networks. It does require at least a /48 per site to support 65k devices but additionally solves other issues as well (NDP cache ex. attack)

Android will get a DHCPv6 client.

#dhcpv6 #android #ipv6

Last updated 2 years ago

meka · @meka
274 followers · 1190 posts · Server bsd.network

It's one thing setting up the way you want it, but having jails on the bridge whose member is egress was another level for me. First, having , and on the same network was somewhat hard to achieve. Then came filtering. The hard part about it is how to drop everything on the host, but not drop packets which flow towards jails. After a while, I learned PF has <self>. And then I learned that fe80::/10 is special, and in what way is it special. The result is current pf.conf template I came up with: github.com/cbsd/reggae/blob/ma

When all that started working, I wanted my isc-dhcpd and isc-dhcpd6 to register A and AAAA records in nsd. The result of that effort is github.com/cbsd/reggae/blob/ma and it is far from perfect. I set myself a goal of not using anything outside base OS, so it took a while to handle IPv6 addresses.

If you're asking your self why i did all this, it's because I wanted to learn about dual stack and what are the problems. I am by no means network engineer, only a sys admin who decided to learn more about networking.

#ipv6 #freebsd #DHCPv4 #dhcpv6 #slaac

Last updated 2 years ago

Cyph0 · @Cyph0ZD
2 followers · 42 posts · Server fosstodon.org

It's crazy that this feature request has been open for over 10 years now. Will the Android team continue to ignore and neglect of implementing DHCPv6 into Android? Even Windows Vista supports DHCPv6.


#android #dhcpv6

Last updated 2 years ago

DeaDSouL :fedora: :fediverse: · @DeaDSouL
37 followers · 252 posts · Server fosstodon.org
75 followers · 66 posts · Server fosstodon.org

New RIOT release online github.com/RIOT-OS/RIOT/releas. Thanks, Benjamin Valentin for managing! New features include , over , GNRC TCP, relay agent +++

#opensource #fido2 #rpl #dhcpv6 #iot #operatingsystem #ble

Last updated 3 years ago

µniko · @microniko
158 followers · 2561 posts · Server mamot.fr

Je découvre donc que ne supporte pas et que l'on ne peut pas non plus configurer manuellement une interface réseau…
J'en conclu que je vais donc devoir installer radvd dans le réseau :\

#android #dhcpv6 #ipv6

Last updated 6 years ago