Hey #DHdev and #RSE folks. Do you use #codereview as a regular part of your process? Interested but not sure?
Join us tomorrow morning to learn more! @dhtech_group
is working toward #DigitalHumanities community code review, and you can get involved.
RT @dhtech_group
You develop code for DH? How do you get feedback for your work? In a team of one! Join our next @ADHOrg
SIG DHtech Meetup to discuss the benefits of code review as a practice of DH. Meeting tomorrow Thursday May 25 at 9am ET/3pm CET on zoom, register here https://asu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYlfuqtpjsoHtbnARTnnRt-fkga8dyfSU5N#/registration
#dhdev #rse #codereview #digitalhumanities