Wir feiern gerade so richtig! Denn die Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre hat soeben entschieden, forTEXT als Portal für #DigitalHumanities-Lehre als eines von 8 Portalen für 3 Jahre zu fördern 🥳 . Das heißt wir gehen in eine neue Runde, in der wir vor allem den Fokus auf die Lehre weiter ausbauen wollen. Wir freuen uns auf weitere 3 Jahre Austausch mit euch! #DH #DHPedagogy
#DigitalHumanities #dh #dhpedagogy
Thanks to our wonderful #DigitalHumanities students for sharing their work and to the community members who came to support them and learn about their community-engaged projects! What a great way to wrap up and reflect on a busy semester in IRIS.
#DHPedagogy #DHShowcase #LocalHistory #CommunityCollaboration #CommunityEngagement #PublicHistory #PublicScholarship #Edwardsville #Alton #Histodons @histodons @digitalhumanities
#histodons #alton #Edwardsville #publicscholarship #publichistory #communityengagement #CommunityCollaboration #localhistory #dhshowcase #dhpedagogy #digitalhumanities
CODE Scholar Kaz Isibue is taking work in her research team to the next level with an internship at the National Great Rivers Research and Education Center supervised by Jen Young. She recently presented about her work to support the Center's science communication efforts, and she wrote this press release about our partnership with NGRREC.
#DigitalHumanities #GenEd #DHPedagogy #HigherEd @digitalhumanities
#highered #dhpedagogy #GenEd #digitalhumanities
Intro to #DigitalHumanities as #StLouis #LocalHistory is a go! I spent a good chunk of my weekend finalizing the syllabus. Here’s my favorite week: “Speaking of rivers: digital storytelling at the American Confluence”
#DHPedagogy #histodon #histodons @histodons
#histodons #histodon #dhpedagogy #LocalHistory #stlouis #digitalhumanities
Come celebrate our fantastic students with us! On Dec. 8, the IRIS Center will host its #DigitalHumanities Student Showcase, featuring over 50 students. If you’re in the area, please stop by and hear all about their innovative tools, research projects, and community collabs.
#DHPedagogy #HigherEd #StLouis #Edwardsville #CommunityEngagement #CommunityCollaboration #Histodon @histodons
#histodon #CommunityCollaboration #communityengagement #Edwardsville #stlouis #highered #dhpedagogy #digitalhumanities
My spring Introduction to #DigitalHumanities course has officially made! Which means now I get to start syllabussing - this year, I plan to use St. Louis history as a frame for thinking about DH as #PublicHistory and community engagement.
I will take all your favorite reading recommendations on public DH, Black DH, metro St. Louis, best practices for community collaboration, and whatever else you care to send my way!
#histodon #dhpedagogy #LocalHistory #stlouis #publichistory #digitalhumanities