@criswell Hmm... I suppose "Wilfred" is part of the satire. 🤔
Wilford Brimley is my patron saint! #diabeetus all the way!
GOUT! GOUT! LET IT ALL OUT! Wilfred Brimley, well-known actor, oatmeal shill, and spokesperson for #diabeetus, has recently revealed how he cured himself of #gout -- a painful form of arthritis affecting the joints in the feet.
According to Wilfred, the secret lies in a family secret: a homeopathic remedy consisting of a mixture of ground ginger root, honey, and 100% pure apple cider vinegar.
According to Wilfred, "This stuff is the bomb! It's cheap and easy to make, and it works like a charm! I'll take that recipe of ground ginger root, honey, and 100% pure apple cider vinegar to my grave!"
My #RSO is slamming on the accelerator and amplifying my #tinnitus.
The #kava I took earlier does quiet my tinnitus.
Also, #diabeetus. (Sorry, tinnitus reminds me of that.)
#rso #tinnitus #kava #diabeetus
Lindt & Sprüngli factory tour with visiting friends in Zürich today. #chocolate #diabeetus
Looking for nutrition information for sugar-free cranberry sauce to plug into my meal tracking app, and it's an exercise in frustration.
People, if your ingredients include honey, applesauce, or oranges, it ain't sugar-free.