Die #Corona Impfung ist in den USA ab 6 Monaten zugelassen.
Wir haben nun bereits zwei
Veröffentlichungen welche #Corona mit #Diabetes bei Kleinkindern verknüpft und dutzende Studien die nachweisen das #Corona auch für Kinder höchst ungesund ist und zu Organschäden führen kann.
Denkt wenigstens über einen minimalen #Schutz nach.
You ever just get off of work and feel really frustrated and take your dog out on a walk and start to feel a little better so you feed your dog and the cats and you're suddenly feeling really dizzy and your blood sugar has plummeted so you sit on the couch with a jar of Nutella and zero shame and just go to town?
Y...yeah. Me neither.
#Diabetes #T1Diabetes #type1Diabetes #Nutella #HealthAndWellness
#diabetes #t1diabetes #type1diabetes #nutella #healthandwellness
@tudresden @HelmholtzMunich @tu_muenchen
“Obwohl der genaue Mechanismus hinter dem erhöhten Risiko für Inselautoimmunität bei #Kleinkinder nicht bekannt ist, könnten die Ergebnisse dazu beitragen, Wege zur #Prävention 😍 von Typ-1-#Diabetes zu finden.”
Ja 👍 #Corona Prävention wär was 😀
#kleinkinder #pravention #diabetes #corona
Bei @SWR2Wissen beschäftigt sich eine Sendung mit der Frage,warum ältere Generationen gesünder sind als jüngere.Es wird nach verschiedenen Ursachen gesucht.Leider wird die 7-monatige " #Sommerzeit" dabei völlig außer acht gelassen. #Chronobiologen stellen schon länger Zusammenhänge her zwischen #Herzinfarkt, #Diabetes melltus II, entzündlichen chron. Erkrankungen wie z.B. #rheumatoide Artitis etc.und dem 7-monatigem Leben in einer unpassenden Zeit.
#sommerzeit #chronobiologen #herzinfarkt #diabetes #rheumatoide
Holy hell! What's scarier than what happened is how many people don't have a clue about #diabetes. Many of those comments are just frightening.
I was chatting here with someone today and they asked me about being #diabetic They said that they imagine it's difficult to live with #diabetes, unlike the commercials try to make you believe, that you pop a pill each day and you're just fine.
Btw, with #diabetes, it's not just what you eat, how much insulin to use, but what you do before and after. Exercising can change everything. Not moving can change everything. It's something that's pretty much on your mind all the time.
I woke with a blood glucose of 114. Pretty good.
I had to make a taffy apple salad before I could eat something. Thing is filled with sugars.
I didn't even taste it. Just my hands in the mixture and my #dexcom high BG went off at 220. Yikes! I better not have any
#dexcom #diabetes #diabetic #t1d
Vanochtend tijdens het lopen de ene na de andere #hypo (suikertekort); glucosespiegel was nauwelijks omhoog te krijgen. Na de lunch wat geslapen en nu al de hele middag / avond een #hyper (te hoge suiker) die maar niet wil zakken.
#Diabetes, wat een k!$%&-ziekte...
Afgelopen nacht was het ook al raak...
Turha syyttää perimää tai ruokavaliota.
Duke -yliopiston apulaisprofessori Herman Pontzer kyseenalaistaa käsityksen, ihminen erityisestä kyvystä varastoida energiaa rasvana hengissäpitimikseen. Tämä ns. #thriftygene -teoriahan on mm. #diabetes'tutkimuksen kivijalkoja. Pontzer kumppaneineen osoittaa, että mm. useat apinalajit lihovat, kun kaloreita on vaan tarpeeksi. Ruoan laadulla ei ole väliä, kunhan sitä on.
#dukehealth #diabetes #thriftygene
Langt på landet..
(69.579 km 🚴 since my ❤️-attack in 2016).
#giantcontend #giant
#metoprolol #diabetes #gout #antibiotics
#stravacycling #giantcontend #giant #sweetprotection #wahoo #metoprolol #diabetes #gout #antibiotics
Good news the Libre 2 CGM sensors are only going to cost about $140.00 a month. Gov't took care of 25%. #Diabetes
Covid-19 linked to elevated risk of type 1 diabetes in young children.
“children who had SARS-CoV-2 antibodies were twice as likely to develop islet autoantibodies as those who hadn’t been infected. Children who caught covid-19 before they were 18 months old had a 5 to 10 times higher risk of developing the autoantibodies”
“…strong possibility that preventing this early infection could very much alter whether children develop the disease.”
#COVID19 #children #diabetes
I got the Covid surprise this morning. I don’t feel that bad but will call dr for antivirals today #Diabetes
https://holistichealth.one/how-to-lose-the-bellyfat-naturally/ Belly Fat is not only uncomfortable and unsightly but it wrecks your health, appearance, longevity and quality of life. Excess bellyfat leads to type 2 diabetes, arthritis, heart disease and chronic inflammation. Learn how to have a healthy waist to hip ratio and have more energy too! #bellyfat #fatloss #weightloss #abs #diabetes
#Bellyfat #fatloss #weightloss #abs #diabetes
A systematic review by #CharitéBerlin and University Aarhus in Denmark in
JAMA Psychiatry has shown that antidepressants are effective and safe in depressed people with physical health problems such as #cancer, #diabetes, #stroke or heart attack.
#medicine #science #research #ScienceMastodon #MedMastodon #CharitéPaper #Psychology
#chariteberlin #cancer #diabetes #stroke #medicine #science #research #sciencemastodon #medmastodon #charitepaper #psychology