My husband & I did an 8 mile walk at the weekend as we slowly increase the distance in preparation of the 21 mile Edinburgh Kiltwalks' Mighty Stride in September in support of Diabetes UK
Please share and donate if you can:
#Charity #TeamDUK #Diabetes #DiabetesAwareness #DiabetesType1 #Kiltwalk #KiltwalkEdinburgh
#kiltwalkedinburgh #kiltwalk #diabetestype1 #diabetesawareness #diabetes #teamduk #charity
My husband & I did an 8 mile walk at the weekend as we slowly increase the distance in preparation of the 21 mile Edinburgh Kiltwalks' Mighty Stride in September in support of Diabetes UK
Please share and donate if you can:
#TeamDUK #Diabetes #DiabetesAwareness #DiabetesType1 #Kiltwalk #KiltwalkEdinburgh
#kiltwalkedinburgh #kiltwalk #diabetestype1 #diabetesawareness #diabetes #teamduk
Let everyone fighting diabetes see this, share this.
We love you.❤
#diabetes #diabetesawareness #diabetescare
#diabetescontrol #diabeteslifestyle
#diabetestreatment #diabetescure
#diabetes #diabetesawareness #diabetescare #diabetescontrol #diabeteslifestyle #diabetestreatment #diabetescure
Let everyone fighting diabetes see this, share this.
We love you.❤
#diabetes #diabetesawareness #diabetescare
#diabetescontrol #diabeteslifestyle
#diabetestreatment #diabetescure
#diabetes #diabetesawareness #diabetescare #diabetescontrol #diabeteslifestyle #diabetestreatment #diabetescure
Let everyone fighting diabetes see this, share this.
We love you.❤
#diabetes #diabetesawareness #diabetescare
#diabetescontrol #diabeteslifestyle
#diabetestreatment #diabetescure
#diabetes #diabetesawareness #diabetescare #diabetescontrol #diabeteslifestyle #diabetestreatment #diabetescure
RT @OKSenateDemsCC
SB147 which enables schools to stock glucagon, a life-saving medication for students with type 1 diabetes passed off the floor unanimously! Before passage, Sen. Hicks shares a personal story about why this is important. #okleg #t1d #DiabetesAwareness #legsaveslives
#okleg #t1d #diabetesawareness #legsaveslives
Roses are Red... but (11)
#Sugar #Sugarfree #Diabetes #DiabetesAwareness #LowCarb #LowCalorie #Funny #FunnyPosts #Humour
#ValentinesDay #Valentine #ValentineDay #RosesAreRed #Love #poetry #LovePoetry #LovePoem
#Gaaligraphy #Calligraphy #art
#sugar #sugarfree #diabetes #diabetesawareness #lowcarb #lowcalorie #funny #funnyposts #humour #valentinesday #valentine #valentineday #rosesarered #love #poetry #lovepoetry #lovepoem #GaaliGraphy #calligraphy #art
RT @iamritu
100 million pre diabetics in 🇺🇸
@nickjonas brings the DM #Patientstory & family @priyankachopra to #SXSW23 #DiabetesAwareness
$1 out $4 @MedicareGov $$$$
spent on DM
#CVD is the biggest cause of mortality for pts w DM #access #CGM #digitalhealth #sensor #CVprev #glucose
#patientstory #sxsw23 #diabetesawareness #cvd #access #cgm #digitalhealth #sensor #cvprev #glucose
പ്രമേഹം കാലക്രമേണ സങ്കീർണമായ അവസ്ഥകളിലേക്കു നീങ്ങുമെന്ന് അറിയാമല്ലോ. സാധാരണയായി കണ്ടുവരുന്നതും വളരെയധികം അലോസരപ്പെടുത്തുന്നതുമായ ഒരു പ്രമേഹസങ്കീർണതയാണ് ഡയബറ്റിക് ന്യൂറോപതി. പ്രമേഹംമൂലം നാഡികൾ തകരാറിലാകുന്ന അവസ്ഥയാണ് ഡയബറ്റിക് ന്യൂറോപതി. ശരീരത്തിലെ ഏതു നാഡികളെയും ഇത് ബാധിക്കാമെങ്കിലും കൂടുതലായും കാലുകളിലെയും പാദത്തിലെയും നാഡികളിലാണ് കാണാറുള്ളത്.
#GramyaAyurveda #DiabeticNeuropathy #Diabetes #DiabetesAwareness #Diabetic #AyurvedicTreatment
#gramyaayurveda #diabeticneuropathy #diabetes #diabetesawareness #diabetic #ayurvedictreatment
Over the years Health People met the needs of the community, taking on prevalent health issues, like asthma.
Then, diabetes rates exploded. Overwhelmingly.
Erin Billups & Zoe Slemmons for Spectrum News NY1.
#georgearzt #chrisnorwood #georgearztcommunications #diabetes #healthpeople #diabetesmanagement #diabetesawareness #diabetesprevention
#georgearzt #chrisnorwood #georgearztcommunications #diabetes #healthpeople #diabetesmanagement #diabetesawareness #diabetesprevention
You don´t have to pinch yourself to believe it!
💧Tears can be used to measure glucose, as the EU-funded project GlukoTear discovered.
Watch to learn how 👇
#EUResearch #diabetes #glucose #EUScience #health #diabetesawareness @UJIuniversitat
#EUresearch #Diabetes #glucose #EUscience #health #diabetesawareness
With the number preventable diabetes-linked amputations and vision loss soaring in New York, advocates and patients, under the leadership of Health People, and featuring speakers such as C. Virigina Fields of Black Health, today called on Gov. Kathy Hochul to declare a statewide diabetes health emergency.
#georgearzt #georgearztcommunications #diabetes #diabetesawareness #diabetic #health #healthpeople #governorhochul #kathyhochul #newyork #newyorkcity #nyc #healthemergency #healthcare
#georgearzt #georgearztcommunications #diabetes #diabetesawareness #diabetic #health #healthpeople #governorhochul #KathyHochul #newyork #newyorkcity #nyc #healthemergency #healthcare
"50% of American adults are diabetic or pre-diabetic."
- Dr. Robert Kiltz, MD
This tells you all you need to know. I just shake my head.
#medchat #medicine #health #mentalhealth #carbs #diabetes #diabetesawareness #processedfoods #wednesdaythought #lowcarb #sugar
#medchat #medicine #health #mentalhealth #carbs #diabetes #diabetesawareness #processedfoods #wednesdaythought #lowcarb #sugar
#DiabetesLife #TypeOneDiabetes #DiabetesAwareness on Sundays we go for #RetinalScreening
#diabeteslife #typeonediabetes #diabetesawareness #retinalscreening
I'm alive! Playing around in Mastodon and hopefully will connect up with other like minded folks #insulin4all #cgm4all #diabetes #t1d #gbdoc #doc #dsma #diabetesonlinecommunity #dam #diabetesawareness
#insulin4all #cgm4all #diabetes #t1d #gbdoc #doc #dsma #diabetesonlinecommunity #dam #diabetesawareness
14 November is World Diabetes Day 🙌💙
#WorldDiabetesDay #WorldDiabetesDay2022 #diabetesday #DiabetesAwarenessMonth #DiabetesAwareness #voices #payitforward
#worlddiabetesday #worlddiabetesday2022 #diabetesday #diabetesawarenessmonth #diabetesawareness #voices #payitforward
My last post was about the (oversimplified) balance of carbs = activity + insulin with level targets of blood sugar between 4 to 9 mmol/L.
This post on #WorldDiabetesdDay is about meeting those targets 24/7, 365 days a year when you have Type 1 Diabetes. A continuous routine of checking blood sugar level, counting carbs and taking insulin.
1 of 5
#diabetesawarenes #diabetesawareness #worlddiabetesdday
#diabetesawareness when I was diagnosed with diabetes T2 in June, it was overwhelming and stressful. The message on this sign helped reassure me so much. And after 5 months, I’ve learned a lot and things are going much better for me.
For some of you today, for me tomorrow.😏 i’ll do a #DiabetesAwareness post.
For some of you today, for me tomorrow.😏 i’ll do a #DiabetesAwareness post.