Diabetes diagnoses crisis hits over 77,000 in Devon
#diabetes #health #lifestyle #diabetesuk #knowyourrisk
Number of Britons living with diabetes hits highest ever level | The Independent
#diabetes #diabetesuk #diabetestype2 #T2 #departmentofhealthandsocialcare #nhs #nhsdiabetespreventionprogram #majorconditionsstrategy
"The Type 1 Diabetes Grand Challenge, a ground-breaking partnership between the Steve Morgan Foundation, Diabetes UK and JDRF UK, has launched two new rounds of funding totalling up to £14 million, in the race to cure type 1 diabetes."
Beta cell therapies for type 1 diabetes
Root causes of type 1 diabetes
Nice surprise in the post today 💙
#diabetes #diabetesuk #onemillionstepchallenge
Eep. This came around quick!
Diabetes UK "One Million Step Challenge" ... Completed x2!
Some money raised for a good cause. Thank you.👍
#diabetesukcymru #diabetesuk #diabetes