Are There Any Complexities In Venous Leg Ulcers?

Venous leg ulcers are a type of chronic wound that is difficult to treat with traditional medical approaches and takes a longer time to heal. On top of that, if they don’t get treated on time, they can present a few complications that even worsen the situation. For example, healing time can be prolonged, or pain can increase.

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Last updated 2 years ago

How To Recognize If Someone Has A Venous Ulcer?

Venous ulcer or let’s say venous leg ulcer is a sore on the leg which takes a significant time to heal due to poor blood circulation in the limbs and requires advanced medical care & attention. They can last from a few weeks to years, making them a type of chronic wound.

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#venouslegulcer #chronicwounds #venousulcerspecialist #diabeticfootulcer

Last updated 2 years ago