‘No pets allowed’: The shameful case of the diabetic refused a home for having a medical assistance dog | The Independent
#assistancedog #diabetics #housing #nopets #medicalassistancedog
#Governments need to move fast because the #devastating #impacts on #health & #healthcare #budgets resulting from the #ChronicIllness are growing worse, said #DiabetesCanada spokeswoman Joan King.
“The #trajectory for #diabetes is grim,” King said. “It’s getting worse in terms of prevalence, and in the cost of diabetes in our #AcuteCare system.”
#diabetics #Manitoba #Canada #WeNeedCoverageInBC #DiabetesHelpNeeded
#governments #devastating #impacts #health #healthcare #budgets #chronicillness #diabetescanada #trajectory #diabetes #acutecare #diabetics #manitoba #canada #weneedcoverageinbc #diabeteshelpneeded
#diabetics be careful
frankly, i just use @Splenda (whip egg whites when in recipes & baking soda/powder as needed) cause the taste of stevia is nasty & so is erythritol junk
These Sweeteners Don't Contain Erythritol, to Keep Your Food Sweet and Safe
California plans to roll out an ambitious plan to manufacture its own insulin, but in the meantime, legislators are proposing to cap what diabetics pay.
#health #insulin #diabetics #diabetes #California #GoodNews
#health #insulin #diabetics #diabetes #california #goodnews
My #insulinPump is beeping at me. So annoying! Do any other pumping #diabetics feel the same? #diabetes #cyborg
#insulinPump #diabetics #diabetes #cyborg
How can a #plant-based diet help #diabetics? #Study explains
#diabetes #wellness #medicine #diabetesmellitus #health #research #diabetesmanagement #healthy #diet #freestylelibre #diabeticproblems #dexcomg #healthyfood #diabetics #diabeticrecipes #cgm #chronicillness #diabetescare #diabetesmellitus #dwarrior #typeonediabetic #omnipod #footcare #dlife #beyondtype #diabeticfootcare #strong #weightlossjourney
#diabetes #wellness #medicine #DiabetesMellitus #health #research #diabetesmanagement #healthy #diet #freestylelibre #diabeticproblems #dexcomg #healthyfood #diabetics #diabeticrecipes #cgm #chronicillness #DiabetesCare #dwarrior #typeonediabetic #omnipod #footcare #dlife #beyondtype #diabeticfootcare #strong #weightlossjourney
Type 2 #diabetics need support to get better — not shame. #diabetes https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/type-taboo-diabetes-first-person-emily-brass-1.6248054
@ennopark Wasn't it that one #Phosphate Island that was plundered so absurdly and nowadays has the highest amount of #diabetics in it's population?
All I wanted to do was sit down. I hate life sometimes. To jump straight to it, my insulin pump infusion set ripped out because I snagged myself on it. Probably only #diabetics will understand. #fml
#diabetics #fml #type1diabetes #type1diabetic #t1d
fun #trans thing 033
Christians publicly wishing my extermination is totally normal.
To #detransition would be for me to stop existing and another, way more miserable person to take my place.
Imagine #christians calling for #diabetics to 'de-#insulin' because god made them this way.
There. That's what I hear on tv, on podcasts, in the comments to anything i post.
God wants me to not exist. He wants me to die.
Not be straight or whatever.
Just like christ taught, right?
#trans #detransition #christians #diabetics #insulin
#Insulin manufacturers #murder #diabetics with #PriceGouging
#capitalism #market #InvisibleHand #WisdomOfMarkets #plutocracy #poverty #scarcity
#insulin #murder #diabetics #pricegouging #capitalism #market #invisiblehand #wisdomofmarkets #plutocracy #poverty #scarcity
#diabetes #wellness #medicine #diabetesmellitus #health #research #diabetesmanagement #healthy #diet #freestylelibre #diabeticproblems #dexcomg #healthyfood #diabetics #diabeticrecipes #cgm #chronicillness #diabetescare #diabetesmellitus #dwarrior
#diabetes #wellness #medicine #DiabetesMellitus #health #research #diabetesmanagement #healthy #diet #freestylelibre #diabeticproblems #dexcomg #healthyfood #diabetics #diabeticrecipes #cgm #chronicillness #DiabetesCare #dwarrior
#diabetes #wellness #medicine #diabetesmellitus #health #research #diabetesmanagement #healthy #diet #freestylelibre #diabeticproblems #dexcomg #healthyfood #diabetics #diabeticrecipes #cgm #chronicillness #diabetescare #diabetesmellitus #dwarrior #typeonediabetic #omnipod #footcare #dlife #beyondtype #diabeticfootcare #strong #weightlossjourney
#diabetes #wellness #medicine #DiabetesMellitus #health #research #diabetesmanagement #healthy #diet #freestylelibre #diabeticproblems #dexcomg #healthyfood #diabetics #diabeticrecipes #cgm #chronicillness #DiabetesCare #dwarrior #typeonediabetic #omnipod #footcare #dlife #beyondtype #diabeticfootcare #strong #weightlossjourney
one thing I'm fairly convinced of is that there should probably be more screening for #EPI and especially among #diabetics especially those diagnosed as #Type1Diabetes
Of course my own case of EPI may be rather unusual in some aspects, but an earlier diagnosis could have made a huge difference for me in life.
#type1diabetes #diabetics #epi
For #insulin dependent #diabetics in the #UnitedStates, Mark Cuban, who thus far has done a fantastic job offering people low-cost alternatives to their pharmaceutical purchases, is now looking at providing low-cost insulin through his company CostPlus Drugs. He shared this survey on the bird site, and since I don’t direct traffic back to that site, I’ve chosen to copy the link to his survey and share it here. Please boost widely. https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=nlWlyavTPES7xglhq5HvDwx1m5bO2mRDq1ekDvUshMtUNUZBM0dDUTA3RVpUOEY1WVNWVDE4U0JTMiQlQCN0PWcu
#insulin #diabetics #unitedstates
#diabetes #wellness #medicine #diabetesmellitus #health #research #diabetesmanagement #healthy #diet #freestylelibre #diabeticproblems #dexcomg #healthyfood #diabetics #diabeticrecipes #cgm #chronicillness #diabetescare #diabetesmellitus #dwarrior #typeonediabetic #omnipod #footcare #dlife #beyondtype #diabeticfootcare #strong #weightlossjourney #dawareness #insulinresistance
#diabetes #wellness #medicine #DiabetesMellitus #health #research #diabetesmanagement #healthy #diet #freestylelibre #diabeticproblems #dexcomg #healthyfood #diabetics #diabeticrecipes #cgm #chronicillness #DiabetesCare #dwarrior #typeonediabetic #omnipod #footcare #dlife #beyondtype #diabeticfootcare #strong #weightlossjourney #dawareness #insulinresistance
#diabetes #wellness #medicine #diabetesmellitus #health #research #diabetesmanagement #healthy #diet #freestylelibre #diabeticproblems #dexcomg #healthyfood #diabetics #diabeticrecipes #cgm #chronicillness #diabetescare #diabetesmellitus #dwarrior #typeonediabetic #omnipod #footcare #dlife #beyondtype
#diabetes #wellness #medicine #DiabetesMellitus #health #research #diabetesmanagement #healthy #diet #freestylelibre #diabeticproblems #dexcomg #healthyfood #diabetics #diabeticrecipes #cgm #chronicillness #DiabetesCare #dwarrior #typeonediabetic #omnipod #footcare #dlife #beyondtype
I've read a reasonable number of research papers investigating various aspect of #T1D and a lot of scientists rely on HbA1c to judge the impact of what ever they are researching...
IMO this seems to entirely miss the point 9/10 times.
#Diabetics actively manage their BG so something can be having an effect, it can be taking more effort to control BG but Hb1Ac remains unchanged.
Hb1Ac isn't a good measure of impact.
CGMs (continuous glucose meters) comparing non-diabetics and diabetics. However, it doesn’t discuss that non-diabetics DO NOT need this data. Your blood sugar “spikes” are minimal and normal. As a 30 year #T1d I now there are #diabetics still doing needles and finger pricks who would love the kind of vanity tech companies are promoting. I find it somewhat offensive to see normally sugared folks using this tech. Why not get these tools to those who actually need them?https://www.theverge.com/c/23440723/glucose-monitor-wellness-diet-diabetes-startups