Call of Duty news site, CharlieIntel, recently stated that data miners have found references to Lilith and The Butcher after Warzone's latest patch.
#DiabloIV #Diablo
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Completed the #DiabloIV season at level 87. 💀
Turns out I don't really need the ashes as those are the only rewards I have left to claim, but I will keep pushing to 100 anyway.
Might also just switch to a rogue and see how fast I can level them.
I managed to finally find a Ring of Mendeln on #DiabloIV, and my spooky necromancer ass could not be happier about it.
I have 12 levels to go in order to hit the level cap of 100 and finish the season, which ends on the 17th of October.
I think I can make it despite my late start.
¿Alguien que esté jugando al Diablo IV actualmente con el nigromante? Need help :(
No one is safe from death in Sanctuary, as Reddit user HellaWeird unfortunately discovered - even during unskippable animations like crossing a rope bridge!
#DiabloIV #Diablo
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Ever hit The Butcher so hard you literally knock his socks off? Reddit user PhoeniX-Skye did - and got his entire wardrobe to drop as loot!
#DiabloIV #Diablo
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We've summarized another batch of the best interview questions from Gamescom related to Diablo 4 - read on to find out about Diablo's endgame, the Battle Pass, season learnings, and more!
#DiabloIV #Diablo
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Je reprend enfin un peu de plaisir à jouer à #DiabloIV mais bon sang, la quantité de trucs qui ne va pas dans ce jeu, c'est abusé !
Necromancers, would you represent Rathma with these new markings from the Vessel of Hate set?
#DiabloIV #Diablo
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What better way to be a follower of the Daughter of Hatred than to learn from her son? Necromancers, check out the models for the new Vessel of Hate shop armor!
#DiabloIV #Diablo
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We've datamined the changes in Patch 1.1.3, including many items that have been added since the last patch!
#DiabloIV #Diablo
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Wanna slay demons at a discount? Diablo 4 and all its editions are up to 25% off during Blizzard's Game Deals!
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Patch 1.1.3 is now live for Diablo 4, so take a look at all the changes taking place such as monster crowd control nerfs!
#DiabloIV #Diablo
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Looking for every mount in Diablo 4 and where to find them? Check out this handy list!
#DiabloIV #Diablo
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Blizzard doesn't seem to be planning any breaks between Diablo 4 seasons, with Season of Blood launching the same day that Season of the Malignant ends.
#DiabloIV #Diablo
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Irgendwie ist es ein kleines Dilemma.
Ich kann es kaum erwarten, wenn am Freitag (im Vorabzugriff) #Starfield erscheint. 🤩
Andererseits will ich aber auch nicht, dass diese Woche schnell vorbeigeht, da dies meine letzte Urlaubswoche ist 😢
So oder so werde ich aber die Zeit genießen und hoffe das ich noch in dieser Woche:
und vielleicht noch #SpidermanMilesMorales durchgezockt bekomme.
Somit wäre zumindest etwas der „Pile of Shame“ abgebaut.
#starfield #diabloiv #titanfall2 #spidermanmilesmorales
Rogues, does the Dune Adept set feel stealthy, or do the jingling coins throw it off?
#DiabloIV #Diablo
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The Dune Adept Rogue cosmetic set has entered the Diablo 4 shop - check out these armor models!
#DiabloIV #Diablo
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