Autistrain · @Autistrain
77 followers · 206 posts · Server


This reminds me that: In some countries to receive some benefits from the state, they still use Autistic Quotient) Baron-Cohen, (Wheelwright, Skinner, Martin and Clubey, 2001 and The Cambridge Behaviour Scale (Baron-Cohen & Wheelwright, 2004). Yes, people need to go through 20 years old tests. And then, when you read the diagnosis, you understand they use the DSM-5!

The wonderful (/s) world of psychology, psychiatry and diagnosis!

And, I'm not speaking about people still diagnosed as schizophrenic when they are autists...

#icd #diagnostic #actuallyautistic #vorsprungdurchignoranz #merkbefreiung

Last updated 1 year ago

Eric Bednarz · @generic
76 followers · 220 posts · Server

Using the -10-GM as a tool in 2023 is like building a splash page with Macromedia Flash.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to send me a fax!

#icd #diagnostic #actuallyautistic #vorsprungdurchignoranz #Merkbefreiung

Last updated 1 year ago

rmmonster · @rmmonster
9 followers · 935 posts · Server

Title: : A Approach, sixteenth edition
Author: Dr.
Language: Icelandic, old circa 950 CE
Depth of recovery: 3,303m
Description: Note: condition actually surveyed is . Composed in ( ).


#treating #adultonset #SuddenInfantDeathSyndrome #diagnostic #pallas #benchko #supernumerary #phantom #limb #syndrome #blank #verse #unrhymed #iambic #pentameter #scp

Last updated 1 year ago

AskUbuntu · @askubuntu
162 followers · 1922 posts · Server

How does one diagnose a hardware vs software problem with a laptop keyboard backlight?

#keyboard #hardware #backlight #diagnostic

Last updated 1 year ago

ACAF - Fibromiàlgia i SSC · @ACAFssc
5 followers · 36 posts · Server

Què sent una persona quan l'acaben de diagnosticar després de molt temps de trobar-se malament?
Com s'entoma una malaltia crònica?
Es pot aprendre a viure millor tot i estar malalt?
A càrrec de la psicòloga Núria Pérez, professional amb més de 20 anys d'experiència amb persones afectades . 

📅 Dijous, 25 de maig de 2023
⌚ 19:30 h
🖥 YouTube

#fibromialgia #sfcem #sfc #sqm #ehs #ssc #ACAF #suport #diagnostic #recursos #eines #respostes

Last updated 1 year ago

Nouveauté, mon p'tit doigt me l'avait dit 😜

La clé de @Emmabuntus va devenir le couteau suisse des installeurs 😎
Nous avons donc eu l'idée de finaliser cela en ajoutant un nommé qui va intégrer de nombreux utilitaires disponibles sur pour savoir si les différents éléments de l'ordinateur fonctionnent 🤙

Merci à Patrick et à tous les autres pour leur implication et leur formidable boulot 😉

#usb #reemploi #script #diagnostic #CloneZilla

Last updated 2 years ago

EURACTIV FR · @euractiv
107 followers · 818 posts · Server
cahsscanada · @cahsscanada
2 followers · 35 posts · Server

approaches and resources recommended by Dr. Bowes when approaching .

#diagnostic #small #flock #poultry #medicine

Last updated 2 years ago

SRLF [🤖]:verified: · @srlf
5 followers · 108 posts · Server

RT @SPLF_SocPneumo
@SPLF_SocPneumo : 2023
Ne pas se baser uniquement sur l’ pour évaluer l'
Pour un complet apprentissage :


#microapprentissage #pneumothorax #echographie #thoracique #abondance #diagnostic #examen_paraclinique #pneumologie

Last updated 2 years ago

Gérald SERAI · @geraldserai
15 followers · 2030 posts · Server
153 followers · 41 posts · Server

In @DLF, Florian Gehre @BNITM_de explains to the German audience the great work the of are doing, providing fast & reliable capacities to contain the current outbreak in Tanzania🇹🇿 @Dlf_Forschung

#forschungaktuell #mobilelabs #eac #diagnostic #marburgvirus

Last updated 2 years ago

EURACTIV FR · @euractiv
101 followers · 483 posts · Server
Gabriele Pollara · @gpollara
754 followers · 1946 posts · Server

Important review in @ICM on different forms of antifungal stewardship

My interest in this area not just , but also as we have a little something coming out in this area soon... 🤫

#AMR #diagnostic #stewardship #antifungal

Last updated 2 years ago

Robert Grant · @robertGrant
151 followers · 16 posts · Server

I see this interesting open access paper in my inbox this morning, on latent class models for multiple diagnostic tests with no gold standard and *a priori correlations*. Yum yum. All fitted using the mighty Stan.



#diagnostic #bayesian

Last updated 2 years ago

Alan Kotok · @technewslit
730 followers · 240 posts · Server
Franck Schneider · @franck_schneider
295 followers · 87 posts · Server

Pour mieux prendre en charge les jeunes patients atteints d’une maladie rare, les HUG créent le centre CORAIL @hug_ge . Il propose aux familles un soutien individuel pour faire face à la maladie de leur enfant.

#diagnostic #pediatrie #maladierare

Last updated 2 years ago

Marco Laverdière · @mlaverdiere
1 followers · 101 posts · Server

2/2 Le réflexe des assureurs (publics et privés) est d'exiger un avant de verser des prestations. Or, malgré la jurisprudence, on se demande encore au Québec qui, à part un médecin, peut poser un ...

Mon analyse sur cette question:


Last updated 2 years ago

Marco Laverdière · @mlaverdiere
1 followers · 101 posts · Server

1/2 Parmi les causes de cette surcharge administrative pour les , il y a effectivement la rigidité des activités réservées, notamment en ce qui concerne la question du

#medecins #professionnelles #diagnostic

Last updated 2 years ago

Eric Bednarz · @besenwagen
246 followers · 397 posts · Server

I’m hate-reading Eugen ’s white male drivel about , and I’m completely in awe of the and whataboutery that is randomly sprinkled in, presumably to make the topic more attractive to a wider demographic.

Free samples👇

#bleuler #diagnostic #schizophrenia #misogynist #racist

Last updated 2 years ago

Mwinyele · @moringaottawa
28 followers · 76 posts · Server

@jetton for anyone else who finds themselves furrowing their brows at the word ,
here’s a full (unsolicited) rundown from :

What is cytogenetics?
Cytogenetics is the oldest and most basic technique used to perform studies. It is far from being outdated and offers unique possibilities to approach the whole genome of a given species at once; cytogenetics takes advantage of the possibility of making a genome visible to the human eye under a microscopic lens (Liehr, 2020, 2021a, 2021b).
Cytogenetics is defined slightly differently, according to the following three references:

Cytogenetics is “the study of chromosomes, which are long strands of DNA and protein that contain most of the genetic information in a cell. Cytogenetics involves testing samples of tissue, blood, or bone marrow in a laboratory to look for changes in chromosomes, including broken, missing, rearranged, or extra chromosomes. Changes in certain chromosomes may be a sign of a or condition or some types of . Cytogenetics may be used to help diagnose a disease or condition, plan treatment, or find out how well treatment is working” (Cytogenetics - 2020).

“Cytogenetics is essentially a branch of genetics but is also a part of /#cytology (a subdivision of ), that is concerned with how the chromosomes relate to , particularly to their behavior during mitosis and meiosis. Techniques used include , analysis of G-banded chromosomes and other banding techniques” (Cytogenetics - Wikipedia, 2020).

Cytogenetics is “the branch of that is concerned primarily in cellular components, especially chromosomes, in relation to , , and . It is the branch of genetics that deal at the cellular level” (Cytogenetics - , 2020).
Thus, cytogenetics, as discussed here, is about studying chromosomes by the classical methods outlined later. It is single-cell oriented, and studies chromosomes for research and purposes. In research, it provides basic information about genomes, including necessary insights into chromosome numbers, shape, and structures, like telomeres, centromeres, chromosome-arms, or banding pattern. In addition, it is of interest that mitotic as well as meiotic chromosomes can be accessed. Overall, cytogenetics is the “entry method,” in case genetic diagnostics is required in pre-, postnatal, or diagnostics, but also in studies on and genomes in ( , 2020).

#cytogenetics #sciencedirect #cytogenomic #geneticdisease #cancer #cancerdictionary #cellbiology #humananatomy #cellbehavior #karyotyping #cytogenetic #genetics #heredity #geneticanomalies #pathologicconditions #biologyonline #diagnostic #leukemia #karyotypes #evolutionresearch #liehr #cytogenecist #cytogeneticists #diagnostics #cellbehaviour #cancerresearch #oncologist #molecularhemopathology #oncology #MultipleMyeloma #genomemaps #geneticmapping #linkagemaps #cytogeneticmapping #rflp #vntr #meded #humanchromosomes

Last updated 2 years ago