Jeremy Mackenzie continues finding out as he keeps fucking around.
Caryma Sa'd originally ignored #Diagolon and Jeremy Mackenzie and dismissed them as a joke, not to be taken seriously.
Today, she's flying across the country in both directions, not 'as his counsel', but for the 'public interest', collecting 'donations' to maintain her 'work'.
Funny how he's now relevant to her. She doesn't do where the fire is, she is the fire. And she's destroyed many victims along the way; or tried.
#diagolon #carymango #carymanson
Jeremy Mackenzie is the topic on Viva Frei with Caryma Sa'd? Birds of a feather...
#diagolon #carymango #carymanson
So apparently, someone has a court date on the 25th in Halifax, and guess who is flying over there.
Who might the client be 🤔
#CarymaNgo #diagolon
"THE DIAGOLON" - by Jeremy MacKenzie
#diagolon #JeremyMacKenzie #TheDiagolon
Lean into their insult and mock them like they deserve to be mocked.
Support freedom grifters
White lady gets several charges dropped over her participation in Diagolon-related plan to ... whatever tf that armed plan was about.
Oh yeah: "Of the four southern Alberta men accused of conspiring to murder RCMP officers." -- that.
✨️January 16, 2023
"One of the protesters who was arrested and charged during the border blockades at Coutts, Alta., last winter has seen two of her charges withdrawn.
"Joanne Person, 63, was charged with possession of a weapon and mischief to property following nighttime RCMP raids on her property.
"On Monday, prosecutor Steven Johnston asked the judge to withdraw those offences."
✨️From February of last year:
"Joanne Person, 62, lives in Coutts within a few hundred metres of the border.
"In fact, Person lives so close to the protest location, several of the protesters were storing personal items at her home, according to information detailed at her bail hearing Tuesday..."
#diagolon #whitenationalism #whiteprivilege
The Truth About Jeremy MacKenzie & Saskatchewan
#JeremyMacKenzie #diagolon #politicalprisoner #canada
Diagolon leader Jeremy Mackenzie is free on bail for charges he faces in Saskatchewan but still faces charges in Quebec for uttering threats and criminal harassment.
Remember that in February four Diagolon sympathizers in Alberta with a large weapons cache were charged with conspiring to murder RCMP officers at the Coutts border blockade. The arrests led to the voluntary breakup of the blockade by the protesters.
#coutts #domesticterrorism #jeremymackenzie #diagolon
The E-meme-gency Act - by Jeremy MacKenzie
#diagolon #JeremyMacKenzie #freejeremymackenzie #EmemeGency #poec
MARCH OF THE EAST COAST POTATO BOYS - Fife And Fiddle Orchestra (FAFO) - East Coast Potato Brigade
Burke is my Bud The Spud.
#fifeanddrum #FAFO #diagolon #eastcoast #music #FreeJeremyMackenzie
#fifeanddrum #FAFO #diagolon #eastcoast #music #freejeremymackenzie #potato
ROLL-CALL - Fife And Fiddle Orchestra (FAFO) - MacKenzie's Pipin' Hot Pipes And Drum Detachment
#FAFO #FifeAndFiddleOrchestra #RollCall #diagolon #freejeremymackenzie
Canadian Govt lawyer collapsed while talking. These are the hearings on why the #Canadian govt enacted the Emergencies Act over the #Truckers & meme country known as #Diagolon.
Jeremy Mackenzie - Interview from Saskatchewan Jail
#JeremyMacKenzie #freejeremymackenzie #diagolon #politicalprisoner #canada #freedom #poec
Watch "🔴LIVE PUBLIC ORDER EMERGENCY COMISSION INQUIRY Day 17 - November 4, 2022" on YouTube
Big Day Today:
Tarama Lich cross examanation
Chris Deering and Maggie Dingman
Jeremy MacKenzie
Daniel Bulford
#freedom #canada #diagolon #WARCAMPAIGN #poec #PIMR #fucktrudeau
The Truth About Jeremy Mackenzie - by Tammy Robert
#freejeremymackenzie #diagolon #Diagolong #Circulon #corruption #canada
Did he say trolled?
"Hum, And it's consistent with what we trolled.. TOLD chief slowly in response....."
Paul Thompson (@PaulTho47290238): ""|nitter