In love with what I'm reading. Or is it the book that's reading me? 🤪 #dialogism
Since it seems common for newcomers to make a small #Introduction, here is mine :
I am a privileged person. Deeply in love with my life partner (21 years and going), and fully committed in writing, the study of creativity theory, the teaching of creative writing. Being a published writer, an active screenplay writer and creative writing professor at Université de Montréal, I do my best to some good in this life.
I am also a late diagnosed autist and a non-binary person (autigender sounds right for me). Most people still use "he" or "him" with me and this is fine : I am used to being gendered as a male. But when someone uses "they" with me, it sure feels good.
If I had to crush my daily life in a list of non-hierarchical hashtags, it might look like this : #ActuallyAutistic #LGBTQ #Queer #Writing #CreativeWriting #Literature #Screenplay #Qcliteratue #Novel #NonFiction #Poetry #ResearchCreation #CreativityTheory #CreativityTeaching #CreativeWorkshops #Dialogism #Ecofeminism #Immanentism #Decolonialism #Emancipation #Listening #Gardening #VegetableGardening #Quebec #Canada #Gaia
#Introduction #actuallyautistic #lgbtq #queer #writing #creativewriting #Literature #screenplay #Qcliteratue #novel #nonfiction #poetry #researchcreation #creativitytheory #creativityteaching #creativeworkshops #dialogism #ecofeminism #immanentism #decolonialism #emancipation #listening #gardening #vegetablegardening #quebec #canada #gaia