The latest Fountain Pen video is now available for your viewing pleasure.
In this video I am comparing two red fountain pen inks from Diamine.
These are Diamine Red Dragon and Diamine Spiced Apple.
Join me to see how these inks compare and my thoughts on them.
#fountainPenReview #fountainPenNetwork #fountainPenCollector #fountainPenAddict #fountainPenLover #fountainPenNerd #fountainpens #fountainpen #penreview #diamine #diamineink #reddragon #spicedapple
#fountainPenReview #fountainpennetwork #fountainPenCollector #fountainpenaddict #fountainPenLover #fountainPenNerd #fountainpens #fountainpen #penreview #diamine #diamineink #reddragon #spicedapple
The latest Fountain Pen video is now available for your viewing pleasure.
In this video I am comparing Diamone Earl Grey and Diamine Ghost inks for fountain pens.
#fountainPenReview #fountainPenNetwork #fountainPenGeek #fountainPenCollector #fountainPenAddict #fountainPenLover #fountainPenNerd #fountainpens #fountainpen #penreview #diamine #diamineink #inkvent #earlgrey #ghost #diamineearlgray #diamineearlgrey #diamineghost
#fountainPenReview #fountainpennetwork #fountainpengeek #fountainPenCollector #fountainpenaddict #fountainPenLover #fountainPenNerd #fountainpens #fountainpen #penreview #diamine #diamineink #inkvent #earlgrey #ghost #diamineearlgray #diamineearlgrey #DiamineGhost
my pens came so guess it's time for the start of #OpalsInkSwatches
diamine regency blue is from their 150th anniversary collection. i'm fussy about blues and love the swatch but it writes darker, especially on off white paper
diamine sailor's warning is the first shimmering ink i bought. with finer nibs you don't get much of the shimmer but when you do the sparkle looks both blue and pink
#opalsinkswatches #fountainpens #inkswatches #fountainpenink #diamineink
The latest Fountain Pen First Impressions video is now available for your viewing pleasure.
In this video I am focusing on the Sailor ProGear Slim fountain pen.
We take a look at the pen and how it writes with Diamine Marine ink.
#fountainPenReview #fountainpens #fountainpen #penreview #unboxing #firstimpression #firstimpressions #SailorProGear #ProGearSlim #SailorSlim #SailorPGSlim #SailorPGS #SailorPG #Sailor #Japan #Diamine #Diamineink #DiamineMarine
#fountainPenReview #fountainpens #fountainpen #penreview #unboxing #firstimpression #firstimpressions #sailorprogear #progearslim #sailorslim #sailorpgslim #Sailorpgs #sailorpg #sailor #japan #diamine #diamineink #diaminemarine
What do you have inked up right now? I just finished cleaning and filling a couple and here’s my current line up. A Platinum Preppy with black ink, a Karas Vertex with Diamine Sherwood Green, a Lamy Safari with Diamine Chocolate Brown and my beat up TWSBI Go with some Troublemaker Abalone. #PlatinumPreppy #KarasPenCo #LamySafari #TWSBIGO #DiamineInk #TroublemakerInk #FountainPen
#platinumpreppy #karaspenco #lamysafari #twsbigo #diamineink #troublemakerink #fountainpen
The latest Fountain Pen First Impressions video is now available for your viewing pleasure.
In this video I take a brief look at the Jinhao x250 fountain pen.
I then fill it with Diamine Chocolate Brown ink and do a brief writing sample.
Join me to see what I think about this pen during my first few minutes of using it.
#fountainpen #penreview #unboxing #firstimpression #firstimpressions #Jinhaopen #Jinhao #Jinhao250 #jinhao250 #Diamineink #DiamineChocolateBrown
#fountainpen #penreview #unboxing #firstimpression #firstimpressions #Jinhaopen #jinhao #jinhao250 #diamineink #diaminechocolatebrown
The latest Fountain Pen video is now available for your viewing pleasure.
In this video I am comparing Diamine Soft Mint with Robert Oster Tranquility.
Join me now to see what I think of these inks.
#fountainPenReview #fountainPenNetwork #fountainPenGeek #fountainPenCollector #fountainPenAddict #fountainPenLover #fountainPenNerd #fountainpens #fountainpen #penreview #RobertOster #RobertOsterSingnature #tranquillity #Teal #Green #Diamineink
#fountainPenReview #fountainpennetwork #fountainpengeek #fountainPenCollector #fountainpenaddict #fountainPenLover #fountainPenNerd #fountainpens #fountainpen #penreview #robertoster #robertostersingnature #tranquillity #teal #green #diamineink
The latest Fountain Pen video is now available for your viewing pleasure.
In this video I am taking a look at Diamine Garland and Diamine Best Wishes in.
I do a writing sample and compare writing in a Benu Talisman Fountain Pen.
#fountainPenReview #fountainPenNetwork #fountainPenCollector #fountainPenAddict #fountainPenLover #fountainPenNerd #fountainpens #fountainpen #penreview #Diamine #Diamineink #Diaminegarland #Diaminebestwishes #Diamineinkvent #inkvent
#fountainPenReview #fountainpennetwork #fountainPenCollector #fountainpenaddict #fountainPenLover #fountainPenNerd #fountainpens #fountainpen #penreview #diamine #diamineink #DiamineGarland #DiamineBestWishes #Diamineinkvent #inkvent
In this video I am am focusing on the Leonardo Furore fountain pen.
We take a look at the pen and how it writes with Diamine Ghost ink.
#fountainPenReview #fountainPenNetwork #fountainPenGeek #fountainPenCollector #fountainPenAddict #fountainPenLover #fountainPenNerd #fountainpens #fountainpen #penreview #unboxing #firstimpression #firstimpressions #LeonardoFurore #Leonardofurore #leonardofurore #leonardoFurore #Diamine #Diamineink #DiamineGhost #Diamineghost
#fountainPenCollector #fountainpenaddict #fountainPenLover #fountainPenNerd #fountainpens #fountainpen #penreview #unboxing #firstimpression #firstimpressions #LeonardoFurore #diamine #diamineink #DiamineGhost #fountainPenReview #fountainpennetwork #fountainpengeek
The latest Fountain Pen video is now available for your viewing pleasure.
In this video I am comparing two grey inks from Diamine.
These are Diamine Earl grey and Diamine Ghost.
I show ink swatches, chromatography, do a writing sample and then give my brief thoughts on these inks.
#fountainPenReview #fountainpens #fountainpen #penreview #Leonardo #Leonardofurore #Diamineink #Diamine #gray #grayposing
#fountainPenReview #fountainpen #fountainpens #penreview #LeonardoFurore #grayposing #leonardo #diamineink #diamine #gray
February 7th Coraline with TWSBI GO, M nib, Diamine Chocolate Brown. #TWSBIGO #DiamineInk #Coraline #Handwriting
#twsbigo #diamineink #coraline #handwriting
In this video I take a brief look at the HongDian N8 Fountain Pen.
I then fill it with Diamine Eau de Nil ink and do a brief writing sample.
Join me to see what I think about this pen during my first few minutes of using it.
#fountainPenReview #fountainpens #fountainpen #penreview #unboxing #firstimpression #firstimpressions #HongDian #hongdiann8 #Hongdiann8 #HongDianN8 #HongDiann8 #HongDian #Diamine #Diamineink #DiamineEaudeNil #EaudeNil
#fountainPenReview #hongdiann8 #diamineink #unboxing #firstimpressions #hongdian #diamine #DiamineEaudeNil #EaudeNil #fountainpens #fountainpen #penreview #firstimpression
February 4th Coraline with TWSBI GO, M nib, Diamine Chocolate Brown. #TWSBIGO #DiamineInk #Coraline #Handwriting
#twsbigo #diamineink #coraline #handwriting
I ordered a 1.1 stub nib because I really want to practice a typewriter font but I got impatient and started my next handwriting project before it got here 😂 so here’s the first post practicing typewriter font with Coraline by Neil Gaiman. This is with a TWSBI GO with an M nib, Diamine Chocolate Brown ink. #Handwriting #Coraline #TWSBIGO #DiamineInk
#handwriting #coraline #twsbigo #diamineink
In this video I am am focusing on the Nahvalur Key West fountain pen.
We take a look at the pen and how it writes with Diamine Deck the Halls ink.
#fountainPenReview #fountainpens #fountainpen #penreview #NahvalurKeyWest #NarwhalKeyWest #Nahvalurkeywest #Narwhalkeywest #nahvalurKeyWest #narwhalKeyWest #NahvalurKeyWest #NarwhalKeyWest #Diamine #Diamineink #diamine #diamineDecktheHalls #diaminedeckthehalls
#fountainPenReview #fountainpens #fountainpen #NahvalurKeyWest #penreview #NarwhalKeyWest #diamine #diamineink #diamineDecktheHalls
Part 17 TWSBI GO, M nib, Diamine Chocolate Brown. Tomorrow is the last stanza! The finale! What should I do next? #TWSBIGO #DiamineInk #TheRaven #Handwriting #Watercolor
#twsbigo #diamineink #theraven #handwriting #watercolor
Part 17 TWSBI GO, M nib, Diamine Chocolate Brown. Tomorrow is the last stanza! The finale! What should I do next? #TWSBIGO #DiamineInk #TheRaven #Handwriting #Handwriting
#twsbigo #diamineink #theraven #handwriting
Part 15 TWSBI GO, M nib, Diamine Chocolate Brown. With a shout out to the Posca paint pens I treated myself to last year. The white especially gets lots of use with watercolors. #TWSBIGO #DiamineInk #TheRaven #Handwriting #Handwriting #Posca
#twsbigo #diamineink #theraven #handwriting #posca
The latest Fountain Pen video is now available for your viewing pleasure.
In this video I am focusing on the Majohn S5 Fountain Pen inked with Diamine Yuletide ink.
#fountainPenReview #fountainPenNetwork #fountainPenGeek #fountainPenCollector #fountainPenAddict #fountainPenLover #fountainPenNerd #fountainpens #fountainpen #penreview #MajohnS5 #MoonmanS5 #Majohn #Moonman #Diamine #Diamineink #DiamineYuletide
#fountainpenaddict #MoonmanS5 #fountainPenReview #fountainpennetwork #fountainpengeek #fountainPenCollector #fountainPenLover #fountainPenNerd #fountainpens #fountainpen #penreview #MajohnS5 #DiamineYuletide #Majohn #moonman #diamine #diamineink
Part 12. TWSBI GO, M nib, Diamine Chocolate Brown. #TWSBIGO #diamineink #handwriting #theraven
#twsbigo #diamineink #handwriting #theraven