Kommt es mir nur so vor oder teilt sich die #OpenAccess #Transformation #Community immer mehr in zwei Lager, die sich kaum noch austauschen? Auf der einen Seite die #DEAL Befürworter und auf der anderen Seite die heterogene Gruppe um #scholarled und #DiamondOA.
#openaccess #transformation #community #deal #ScholarLed #diamondoa
Welcome to our new higher supporter, the University of Sussex: https://www.openlibhums.org/news/651/
We are very pleased to have the University of Sussex Library among our higher tier supporters. OLH wouldn't exist without the support of our members #DiamondOA
If you like the work that OLH
is doing, please consider asking your institution to support us financially. UK institutions can become higher-tier supporters through Jisc’s signup system. Details for universities worldwide here: https://www.openlibhums.org/plugins/supporters/signup/
From 6 to 8 September, the @uni_lu
will host #MediaPsych23, the annual #DGPMedia
conference. Melusina Press is proud to publish today the Book-of-Abstracts in #DiamondOA, to let rise the excitement for the upcoming event.
#mediapsych23 #dgpmedia #diamondoa
We are happy to inform you that we have a new article published in ing.grid: "Evaluation of tools for describing, reproducing and reusing scientific workflows". You can read the article here: https://inggrid.org/article/id/3726/ #FAIRData #EngineeringSciences #DiamondOA
#fairdata #engineeringsciences #diamondoa
Don't be mislead by the title:
"Can Open Access be Made More Affordable?"
In this article, #OA means #APC-based OA. The authors don't consider or even mention green or diamond OA, which charge no APCs.
Yes, it's good to explore ways to make APCs more affordable. But it's myopic to do that without comparing them to well-established ways to deliver no-APC OA.
#openaccess #greenOA #diamondoa #APC #oa
Update. @pensoft just released a strong endorsement of the #EuropeanCouncil proposal for no-fee #OpenAccess.
"Hereby, we wish to express our full agreement with the Council of the European Union’s conclusion, that 'it is essential to avoid situations where researchers are limited in their choice of publication channels due to financial capacities rather than quality criteria'."
#pensoft #diamondoa #APCs #openaccess #europeancouncil
@DrPlanktonguy @strypey
1. The new policies under the #OSTP memo will abolish #embargoes and require immediate or unembargoed #OpenAccess.
2. There are more #DiamondOA journals (no-APC OA journals) than APC-based OA journals, even if most articles pub'd by OA journals are in the APC-based variety. Not a "very small number."
#diamondoa #openaccess #embargoes #OSTP
@strypey @DrPlanktonguy
1. Fed-funded authors can publish in high-impact subscription (non-OA) journals and pay no #APCs. Their work will still be #OpenAccess through the funder's designated repository.
2. Some no-fee OA journals (#DiamondOA) are already high-impact and the number grows steadily.
3. Some high-impact journals will charge no APCs and still allow #unembargoed #GreenOA (as required by the #OSTP policies). An important example is @ScienceMagazine.
#OSTP #greenOA #unembargoed #diamondoa #openaccess #APCs
The thematic issue “C–H bond functionalization: recent discoveries & future directions” ed. by Indranil Chatterjee @indranil22 @iitrpr in the #DiamondOA 💎🔓 #BJOC is complete ✅.
DL the complete issue PDF with just one click 🔗 https://www.beilstein-journals.org/bjoc/series/118/?M=y
#organometallicchemistry #catalysis #photoredoxcatalysis #Lewisacidcatalysis
#DiamondOA 💎🔓 #BJOC
#diamondoa #bjoc #organometallicchemistry #catalysis #photoredoxcatalysis #lewisacidcatalysis
#PHS: In der #DécennieTM wird weiter konsequent auf Open Access gesetzt: Die Buchreihe Pariser Historische Studien erscheint fortan im sofortigen OA finanziert durch das DHIP (#DiamondOA) bei Heidelberg University Publishing. Ein gedrucktes Buch gibt es auf Wunsch aber auch #hybrid.
Und übrigens: In die Türen der Metrolinie 1 hat eine unbekannte Person das Kürzel #PHS eingeritzt. Auch wenn das DHIP Vandalismus nicht befürwortet, freuen wir uns, dass die Buchreihe so viel Anklang findet ;-)
#phs #decennietm #diamondoa #hybrid
https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/impactofsocialsciences/2023/07/17/to-make-academic-publishing-scholar-led-we-need-a-norwegian-style-dugnad/ eli timanttisia talkoita tiedejulkaisemiseen kaupallisten hyötyjien sijaan. Tätähän esim. Tekniikan Waiheita on jo tehnyt vuosia, vain ilman riittäviä tukirakenteita #Tiede #DiamondOA #Infrastruktuuri
#infrastruktuuri #diamondoa #tiede
🗞️ „Open Access Barcamp 2023: Live und in Farbe“ ist jetzt online auf @ZBW_MediaTalk! Wie sehen die Zukunftsperspektiven der #OAFinanzierung aus und wie erreichen wir #Forschende noch besser? Was bei weiteren Themen, wie #OAMonitoring, #DiamondOA oder der Gründung von Hochschulverlagen, diskutiert wurde und wie das Event verlief, lest ihr hier:
#oafinanzierung #Forschende #oamonitoring #diamondoa
@cosima_wagner @felwert Ich sehe das genau so, aber:
Was ist, wenn Uni-Leitungen auf die Idee kommen, dass APC-Rechnungen auch in der zentralen Buchhaltung bearbeitet werden können, die Teilnahme an DEAL natürlich auch durch den Rektor entschieden wird?
UBs müssen sich schon genau überlegen, ob #OA-Finanzierung, wie es aktuell geschieht, wirklich die Zukunft der Bibliotheken darstellt/sicherstellt. Fragen sich anscheinend auch viele, deshalb ja die Uni-Verlage bei den UBs, #OJS, #DiamondOA.
Agreed on societies.
The average across all fields is that only ≈ 30% of OA journals charge #APCs.
If you ignore brand (not the same as ignoring quality) and search @DOAJ for journals in your field, you'll find the no-APC (#DiamondOA) journals.
But note that even #DOAJ is incomplete.
Don't pay an #APC in hopes that it will bring you higher citation impact.
New study: "Bibliometric studies concur that journals that charge #APCs have a similar citation impact to journals that rely on other income sources [#DiamondOA]."
Update: Die Pledgingphase wurde bis 1.8. verlängert! Die Beteiligung an der Finanzierungsabfrage ist also noch möglich.
I'm still surprised to see articles on #OpenAccess journals that decry the problem of #APCs, acknowledge the existence of no-APC OA journals (#DiamondOA), but recommend wider adoption of APC #waivers rather than wider support for no-APC journals.
#waivers #diamondoa #APCs #openaccess
This article advocating the abolition of #APCs would be more interesting if it fixed a few problems.
It says w/o evidence that "most" APC-based journals are #predatory.
It says incorrectly that US #copyright law bars scholars at some public universities from transferring copyrights to publishers. (Close: work by govt employees is uncopyrightable.)
It's aware of APC waivers but not no-APC OA journals (#DiamondOA), their numbers, and the many initiatives to foster them.
#diamondoa #copyright #predatory #APCs
Welcome to the Academic Research Community (ARC) Alliance, "a community of like-minded scholars supportive of a #nonprofit, altruistic, high-quality scholarly publishing alternative to standard publishing models. ARC Alliance utilizes a #Diamond Open Access model in which no article processing charge [#APC] is paid by Alliance member authors, publications are #OpenAccess, and #copyright is retained by authors."
#rightsretentin #diamondoa #arc_alliance #copyright #openaccess #APC #diamond #nonprofit
📢 Noch bis 1.7. läuft das zweite KOALA-Pledging!
👉🏻Bibliotheken und andere Einrichtungen können gemeinsam das Bestehen von 7 #DiamondOA Zeitschriften aus #Mathematik, #Informatik, #Quantenphysik für die nächsten Jahre sichern. Einige Zusagen haben wir schon bekommen - wir freuen uns über jede weitere, die uns hilft, das Finanzierungziel zu erreichen.
ℹ️ https://projects.tib.eu/koala/unterstuetzen/
Bitte sagt es weiter und/oder fragt bei Euren Bibliothekskolleg:innen nach.
Danke! 🩶🐨
#diamondoa #mathematik #informatik #quantenphysik #openaccess