An der @stabihh wollen wir das Hosting von #DiamondOpenAccess- Journals ausweiten. Mehr Journals = Umbau des Supports in einem Projekt, um den Standard auch bei mehr Publizierenden halten zu können. Für #openscience mit aufgekrempelten Ärmeln suchen wir eine Person mit BA Bibliotheks- und Informationsmanagement oder einer vergleichbaren Studienfachrichtung. Wir bieten eine E11 und ein tolles Team Fragen gerne an mich
#diamondopenaccess #openscience
Our Managing Editor Dr. Barbara Hissa (@BarbaraHissa) visits the 2023 Fall Meeting of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS). Meet her in Warsaw, Poland 🇵🇱, from September 🗓️ 18 to 21, 2023.
#emrs #bjnano #diamondopenaccess #nanotechnology
Guten Morgen! die @stabihh will ihre Aktivitäten im Publizieren von #DiamondOpenAccess Journals ausweiten. Wir schreiben daher eine E11-Projektstelle aus, um das Supportkonzept weiterzuentwickeln, so dass OJS-Schulungen und Co auch eine größere Zielgruppe bei hoher Beratungsqualität erreichen können #openbibliojobs #hamburg #job [edit: Typo]
#diamondopenaccess #openbibliojobs #hamburg #job
New thematic issue “#Organofluorine chemistry VI” edited by David O'Hagan, University of St Andrews, in the #DiamondOpenAccess 💎🔓 #BJOC.
Submission deadline 📅 July 31, 2024
#organofluorine #diamondopenaccess #bjoc #fluorine #fluorination
The thematic issue “#Biomimetics on the micro- and #nanoscale” ed. by Matthias Mail, Kerstin Koch, Thomas Speck, William M. Megill & Stanislav N. Gorb in the #DiamondOpenAccess 💎🔓 Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology #BJNANO is complete ✔️.
DL the complete issue with just one click:
#biomimetics #nanoscale #diamondopenaccess #bjnano #lotuseffect
📢University of Groningen Press is an #openaccess #publisher helping @universityofgroningen staff and students to publish
➡️ journals
➡️ books:
➡️ inaugural lectures
Want to learn more?
#openaccess #diamondopenaccess #openscience #opentextbooks #scholarlypublishing #scholarlycommunication
#openaccess #publisher #diamondopenaccess #openscience #opentextbooks #scholarlypublishing #scholarlycommunication
New thematic issue “Carbon-rich materials: from #polyaromatic molecules to #fullerenes & other #carbon #allotropes” edited by Hiroko Yamada, Kyoto University, and Yoko Yamakoshi, ETH Zürich, in the Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry.
You are cordially invited to submit your latest research by 📅 Oct 15, 2023.
#porphyrins #fullerenes #nanotubes #graphenes
#DiamondOpenAccess 💎🔓 #BJOC
#polyaromatic #fullerenes #carbon #allotropes #porphyrins #nanotubes #graphenes #diamondopenaccess #bjoc
An incoming new #academic #diamondopenaccess #journal :blobfoxdetective:
Journal of #Disaster Studies - #interdisciplinary journal that publishes the work of disaster researchers around the #world.
#academic #diamondopenaccess #journal #disaster #interdisciplinary #world #justice
📢 New thematic issue “#Nanomaterials for #BiomedicalApplications” edited by Muhammad Anwaar Nazeer, Seda Kizilel and Filippo Pierini in the Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology.
#nanomaterials #biomedicalapplications #drugdelivery #Biosensing #diamondopenaccess #bjnano
📢 New thematic issue “Chemical glycobiology” edited by @Elisa, @RachelHevey, Benjamin Schumann and Ulrika Westerlind in the Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry.
📅 Submission deadline: Nov 1, 2023
CarbohydrateChemistry #GlycoSciences #GlycoTime
#glycosciences #glycotime #diamondopenaccess #bjoc
The thematic issue “Catalytic multi-step domino and one-pot reactions” edited by @Svetlana_Tsogoeva, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU, Germany), in the Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry is still open for your submission.
You’re cordially invited to submit your latest research ➡️
#DominoReactions #OnePotReactions
#DiamondOpenAccess 💎🔓 #BJOC
#dominoreactions #onepotreactions #diamondopenaccess #bjoc
Good grief, this story about Elsevier 👀
It seems that more editors and research societies involved with big publishers are taking a stand
#diamondopenaccess is happening 💫🚀💎
Design Research Society | The Future of Design Studies Journal
Maybe I was too pessimistic about diamond OA yesterday ... I woke up to the news of several flipped journals. Way to go 🚀💎 #diamondopenaccess #openscience
#diamondopenaccess #openscience
@FDM @subugoe
Things at #GoettingenUniversity currently are ”interesting“. But we continue to deliver good results for campus, faculty, society.
Latest move is this amazing #diamondopenaccess journal
we just launched.
@dbeucke worked like crazy, and here it is!
#goettingenuniversity #diamondopenaccess
More positive news in the #DiamondOpenAccess sector (wait, are we a sector, now? :D)
The Academic Research Community (ARC) Alliance is proposing a DOA publishing model The motivation is rooted in the unsustainable state of the cost of scholarly publishing, a rapid transition to OA, and a desire to catalyze a transition to a high-quality, low-cost, sustainable publishing alternative to best serve the ARC.
Signatures of support will greatly aid the effort.
The thematic issue "#Nanomaterials for #photocatalysis & applications in environmental remediation & #RenewableEnergy" is complete ✔️
Check out the editorial & DL the complete issue PDF with just one click 👉
Many thanks to our guest editors Viet Van Pham and Wee-Jun Ong!
#nanomaterials #photocatalysis #renewableenergy #diamondopenaccess #bjnano
Das Public Knowledge Project (PKP) ruft wissenschaftliche Bibliotheken zur Teilnahme an der aktuellen @oa_koala-Pledgingphase auf. Konsortiale Finanzierung von sieben #openaccess-Zeitschriften aus Mathematik, Informatik und Quantenphysik.
Danke für die Unterstützung, PKP!
#openaccess #diamondopenaccess #konsortien
In the meantime, I found out where the .scap file format comes from: some years ago, while working on the #Stemma for the #EthicaComplementoria prints, I tried out several digital tools for drawing flowcharts and ended up using #Scapple! I don't have it installed currently, but I might see whether I can export the files into a more standard format! #ResearchDataManagement
Learn all about the textual and print history of the #Ethica in my #DiamondOpenAccess book:
#stemma #ethicacomplementoria #scapple #researchdatamanagement #ethica #diamondopenaccess
Um #OpenAccess ist es eine Zeitlang ruhiger geworden. In der Folge der Geschäftsmodelle einiger Konzerne steigt nun der Bedarf nach wissenschaftsgetriebenen Publikationsmodellen und #diamondopenaccess. Die #EU fördert dazu die Projekte #DIAMAS, #PALOMERA und CRAFTOA
Zu deren gemeinsamen Zielen gibt es am 20.6. um 1300 ein #webinar.
#openaccess #diamondopenaccess #eu #diamas #palomera #webinar
Looking forward to the #WomenInScience meeting next week at FAU Erlangen
Me and my colleague @BarbaraHissa will keep you updated on the talks and highlights from the events.
Please say hi if you are there in person. Starting convos can be hard, so just ask me about rescue dogs, spicy food or #diamondOpenAccess as an ice breaker :) Here's some inspiration and just general good vibes for your Wednesday:
#diamondopenaccess #womeninscience