He’s down with #omm, yeah you know him! #DiaperDon #GrifterTrump #TraitorTrump https://mastodon.sdf.org/@uspolitics/110985791902114335
#omm #diaperdon #griftertrump #traitortrump
OMG - I almost spit out my coffee laughing so hard at this. #diaperDon #grifter #StableGenius https://mastodon.social/@realTuckFrumper/110961898583500477
#diaperdon #grifter #stablegenius
Well, typical bookings in Fulton County can leave someone waiting 12 hours, while #diaperDon was in and out in around 25 minutes. But- at least he got to self report that he is a slim 215 lbs! https://universeodon.com/@TomWellborn/110950812116497949
Do tell, #diaperDon. Do tell. https://mastodon.sdf.org/@uspolitics/110950873332704747
@DeanObeidallah #DarkBrandon should get this printed in large format and hang in in the #WhiteHouse for #DiaperDon’s official portrait.
#darkbrandon #whitehouse #diaperdon
How nice. He gets to choose when to surrender. He gets to decide whether he gets a mug shot taken. He gets to attack the grand just and the judge. Just like all other criminals, right? #TraitorTrump #DiaperDon #LockHimUp https://mastodon.social/@realTuckFrumper/110923575854988463
#traitortrump #diaperdon #lockhimup
#DiaperDon’s pathetic routines are just that- pathetic Do something he doesn’t like and you are Black? You are racist. Do something you don’t like and you are a woman? You are nasty. He’s too predictable and he is a traitor and a disgusting pile of a sub human puke. Full stop. https://mastodon.social/@realTuckFrumper/110923797962685862
A moron says what? #diaperDon #RightWingFascists https://mastodon.social/@realTuckFrumper/110804431773916108
Given #diaperDon’s runny nose and demeanor in his public appearances- I’d say it was left over by his criminal crew. https://universeodon.com/@thejohnr/110704244271376553
@realTuckFrumper So- the meat is not what they say it is, the money doesn’t go to pay employees but goes directly to #diaperDon’s pocket, and it’s going to go bankrupt anyway. 😀
He misspelled grift. #diaperDon #grifter https://mastodon.social/@realTuckFrumper/110607459640569671
Don Jr. struggles each day to be as big of a piece of shit as his father, and it looks like he's succeeded. Real people are stuck on that missing Titanic sub. Their families are going through hell as they wait for word on the fate of their loved ones. And what's this heap of human garbage doing? He's spreading self-serving conspiracy theories in an effort to farm likes, and solicit donations.
#donjr #diaperdon #humangarbage #titanicsub
May I add on the Hunter Biden whines from the Right: Roger Stone and his wife just pled on a civil tax evasion trial....look it up.
As Trumpty Dumpty and his motley crew whine, let us note:
Hunter took a plea deal entirely inline with other defendants with these same charges and took his punishment like an adult.
@shawnwegner but he can never do it under oath. There he’d be accountable. On DoltSocial- his runes eat it up. #diaperDon
#MikePence is *finally* going to be questioned under oath about the #January6th #FailedCoupAttempt in front of a Grand Jury convened by federal Special Counsel #JackSmith. 👉 https://www.huffpost.com/entry/trump-cant-block-pence-testimony-court_n_6449eb41e4b03c1b88cb30ad
#DonaldTheDeplorable is gonna #DoubleDown on his use of Depends!
#mikepence #January6th #failedcoupattempt #jacksmith #donaldthedeplorable #doubledown #diaperdon
Trump must be shitting himself today. Oh wait, he's been doing that for years. #diaperdon https://www.yahoo.com/video/diaperdon-became-top-twitter-trend-190924603.html
It's Fox Spews reporting that I never read but I did today. I know the source is less than stellar, but I have believed since the beginning that #DiaperDon and Barr had Epstein killed.
RT @sabi_ri@twitter.com
Wer angesichts dieser vollkommen bescheuerten Forderung von #DumbTrump noch ernsthaft zu #DiaperDon hält, gibt wohl ein hervorragende Bewerbung um die Nachbargummizelle von "Major Jansen, SHAEF" ab ...
cc @FlugschuleE@twitter.com