Had a silly pic during the photoshoots that didn't fit, but was still fun enough to share, so enjoy a bonus pic ❤️
Hope you all enjoyed the Babysitter Bubblegum photo set! =3
(Part 7 of 6)
#diaperstory #babyfur #fursuit #diaperfur
Even with all the soakings and the fun, in the end it's just nice to cuddle together! =3
I'm sure the bed will be fine, even through a few more of http://twitter.com/sissy_zoey113 's (and maybe some of Babysitter Bubblegum's) soakings. ;P
(Part 6 of 6)
#fursuit #diaperfur #babyfur #diaperfursuit #abdl #diaperstory
#diaperstory #abdl #diaperfursuit #babyfur #diaperfur #fursuit
Almost ready! Just an adjustment and a snug taping and... there you go cubby! All secure and diapered!
Of course Babysitter Bubblegum wants to admire her change once more before heading off to the movies!
(feat. https://twitter.com/sissy_zoey113 )
(Part 3 of 6)
#diaperstory #fursuit #abdl #babyfur #diaperfur
Of course, first things first, gotta get their big-cub pants off, dunno how they aren't just soaked yet!
But that's okay, Babysitter Bubblegum has the padding to help! Just lift your bum and we'll get it right in place!
(Part 2 of 6)
#fursuit #diaperstory #abdl #babyfur #diaperfur
Was heading to the movies yesterday, all padded up and ready, and found out the cubby I was with wasn't wearing their diapers! Wouldn't be a good babysitter letting them make puddles everywhere!
(Part 1 of 6)
#diaperstory #fursuit #abdl #babyfur #diaperfur