@tradracist @dickflatteningenthusiast
Many #African nations, for example, have weak states, disloyal and dysfunctional security services, few or no African #oligarchs, and large #Indian, #Arab, and #Chinese #diasporas. That’s an inroad.
#diasporas #chinese #arab #indian #oligarchs #african
(But there is a major upside. Because #diasporas live and operate in two worlds and are #CulturallyVersed, they can provide the #EssentialKnowledge & #intelligence that can be used to #ServeAndProtect #Canada & its interests. #Diaspora #communities are the ace in Canada’s card deck. Their #WealthOfKnowledge is an #underutilized #resource that Canada can tap into, if only we would listen.)
#AsianMastodon #ListenToDiasporaVoices #WeHaveExperience #POC #BIPOC
#diasporas #culturallyversed #essentialknowledge #intelligence #serveandprotect #canada #diaspora #communities #wealthofknowledge #underutilized #resource #asianmastodon #listentodiasporavoices #wehaveexperience #poc #bipoc
RT @sirasylla76@twitter.com
Diminution des coûts des transferts de fonds : je reprends le combat que j’ai débuté en 2020! Merci à mon ex collègue @Huguette_Tiegna@twitter.com de reprendre ma proposition de loi. Ce dossier concerne des millions de personnes. Au travail! Transformons l’essai ! #Diasporas #Afrique
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/sirasylla76/status/1618596318368219137
RT @sirasylla76@twitter.com
Ce qui ne tue pas rend plus fort! À bientôt pour les réunions publiques sur la relation Afrique-France ! #diasporas
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/sirasylla76/status/1615733446114000899
RT @sirasylla76@twitter.com
@NDIAYEDIARA@twitter.com : oui! RDV samedi pour @AlorsOnDitQuoi@twitter.com ! Les personnalités qui ont marqué par leur travail et qu’il faut suivre en 2023! Moi, malade et à l’hôpital j’ai tenu à participer à l’émission! Fébrile, moins de temps mais j’espère que mes messages sont passés! #diasporas
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/sirasylla76/status/1613962969917923328
Breaking news: países mais pobres crescem mais depressa!
RT @paulo_cafofo@twitter.com
Os países com maiores #diásporas são normalmente países com mais #exportações e com maior #investimento #externo. Um fundamento importante e revelador da importância das nossas #comunidades.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/paulo_cafofo/status/1603809369061310476
#diasporas #exportacoes #investimento #externo #comunidades #encontrospnaid2022
Hello everyone, #NewHere. I am a social scientist working as Professor in #Human_Rights and #Multiculturalism at the University of South-Eastern Norway since 2022. Before that I was Senior Lecturer in #Sociology at the University of Helsinki, Finland. My research interests include #migration, #refugees, #asylum_policy, #immigration, #ethnic_relations, #transnationalism, #diasporas, #minority_rights
#newhere #human_rights #multiculturalism #sociology #migration #refugees #asylum_policy #immigration #ethnic_relations #transnationalism #diasporas #minority_rights
#Introduction I am a senior research fellow at the Tampere Peace Research Institute in Finland. My research interests include: #feminist #peace research, #gender, #sexualviolence during conflicts, #diasporas and conflicts, #bodies in #war and peace…
I have collected data on these issues in the Great Lakes Region of Africa, Northern Ireland, the South Caucasus, among other places.
Looking forward to meeting people here, to discover and to learn!
#War #bodies #diasporas #sexualviolence #gender #Peace #feminist #Introduction
Hyperconnected #Diasporas
This article proposes a novel term-Hyperconnected Diasporas-by suggesting a technopolitical wake-up call for regional governments worldwide when dealing with paradiplomacy/diaspora engagement initiatives, and a necessary critical standpoint on the understanding and use of extractivist and pervasively hegemonic social media platforms.
#TwitterMigration #Mastodon #Privacy #DigitalBorders #eDiasporas #DigitalNomads #Blockchain
#diasporas #twittermigration #mastodon #privacy #digitalborders #ediasporas #digitalnomads #blockchain