Dib and Zim
Requested by @abcormal
#invaderzim #dibmembrane #zim #dib #request #underwear #Humiliation #nickelodeon #shota #shotacon #stuck
#invaderzim #dibmembrane #zim #dib #request #underwear #humiliation #nickelodeon #shota #shotacon #stuck
the dynamic of Dib being a sleazy bastard and Zim being a needy slut is just (chefs kiss)
Eva Gore-Booth died at her home at 14 Frognal Gardens, Hampstead, on 30 June, 1926.
#DIB: https://dib.ie/biography/booth-eva-selina-gore-a0784
From Ireland to Manchester: Eva Gore-Booth and women’s labour
#dib #evagorebooth #IrishPhilosophyOTD
Утром в Копаленке всегда странно пахнет: это ветер несёт по реке фабричные запахи из Перегонок. Но для Йетлин - так пахнет дом. От этого её любимое какао из "Шепота Сахарницы" (с мёдом и цветами жасмина) делается даже ещё вкуснее. Нет, Йетлин не хочет уезжать. #DiB #DaysInBliss
Bei #Tupperware tut mir das nicht leid.
Je weniger Plastik um so besser.
Bei #Weck bin ich allerdings geschockt.
Ich nutze nichts anderes.
Die Kreise ziehen sich aber weiter als gerade angenommen.
William Butler Yeats was born #OnThisDay 1865 in Sandymount Avenue, Dublin.
#DIB: https://www.dib.ie/biography/yeats-william-butler-a9160
Son of the painter John B. Yeats, he met Gerard Manley Hopkins in 1886 but they had little to say to each other. His meeting with Oscar Wilde in London in 1888 was very different. https://www.irishphilosophy.com/2013/06/12/wilde-about-yeats/
Yeats developed his own version of Wilde's theory of identity, and later created a esoteric philosophy of history.
#onthisday #dib #wbyeats #IrishPhilosophyOTD
He doesn't understand what she's doing. #incest #dibmembrane #gaz #gazmembrane #invaderzim #dib #siblings
#incest #dibmembrane #gaz #gazmembrane #invaderzim #dib #siblings
Die 5,1% in Bremen war wohl der letzte Tiefschlag für die FDP, der die Minister innen und die FDP Fraktion zur Ablehnung des Gesetzesentwurf führte.
Die Angst vor den nächsten Landtagswahlen scheint riesig.
Die Linke BT Fraktion lehnt die Vorlage ebenfalls ab.
Diese Demokratie braucht dringend Veränderung!
#DiB #Volt #mera25
#heizungsgesetz #dib #volt #mera25 #5prozenthuerdeabschaffen
William Drennan (1754–1820), physician, patriot, and minor poet, was born #OTD 1754 at the manse of his father Thomas Drennan in Rosemary St., Belfast.
#DIB https://www.dib.ie/biography/drennan-william-a2765
Founder of the United Irishmen: "A benevolent conspiracy—A Plot for the People—No Whig Club—no party Title—The Brotherhood its name—the right of Man and the greatest happiness of the greatest numbers its End." https://www.irishphilosophy.com/2015/02/05/benevolent-conspiracy/
#otd #dib #IrishPhilosophyOTD #UnitedIrishmen
William Drennan (1754–1820), physician, patriot, and minor poet, was born #OTD 1754 at the manse of his father Thomas Drennan in Rosemary St., Belfast.
#DIB https://www.dib.ie/biography/drennan-william-a2765
Founder of the United Irishmen: "
Philip Skelton (1707-87), religious writer, critic of Hume, a fast friend and a fast enemy who sold his library twice to raise money for famine relief, died in Dublin #otd in 1787.
#dib https://www.dib.ie/biography/skelton-philip-a8110
The eventful life of Philip Skelton, enemy of deism https://www.irishphilosophy.com/2015/05/04/philip-skelton/
The first critic of Hume's On miracles (whose criticisms Hume read for the printer, and said "print!") https://www.irishphilosophy.com/2018/04/26/debating-hume-on-miracles/
#otd #dib #hume #philipskelton #deism #IrishPhilosophyOTD
Patrick Pearse, poet, writer, founder of Scoil Eanna (St Enda’s) in 1908 and commander-in-chief of the forces of the Irish Republic during the Easter Rising, was executed in Kilmainham Jail, #OTD 1916.
#DIB https://www.dib.ie/biography/pearse-patrick-henry-a7247
This Man Had Kept A School – Pearse’s educational philosophy: https://www.irishphilosophy.com/2015/11/10/pearse-education/
A right to rebel (including Pearse's take on rebellion) https://www.irishphilosophy.com/2016/03/27/right-to-rebel/
#pearse #education #rebellion #1916Rising #IrishPhilosophyOTD
#otd #dib #pearse #education #rebellion #1916rising #IrishPhilosophyOTD
Dieser "Pro-Tipp" ging daneben:
Das #DIB-Glas ist nur _eine_ mögliche Marke für dt. Honig.
Es gibt weder eine Pflicht, deutschen Honig im DIB-Glas zu vermarkten, noch macht das die Mehrheit der Imker.
#Honig aus Deutschland erkennt man gem. §3 HonigV _immer_ an der entsprechenden regionalen, territorialen oder topographischen Herkunftsangabe.
Meine Erfahrung als #Imker: Ältere Käufer bevorzugen das DIB-Glas, jüngere individuell gestaltete Gläser mit deutschem Honig.
Thomas Nugent died in London #OTD 1772 in London. Best known for his travel writing, esp. "The Grand Tour - containing an exact description of most of the cities, towns and remarkable places of Europe", he also translated important works of Enlightenment philosophy.
These included Montesquieu's Spirit of the laws, Burlamaqui's works on natural and political law, Voltaire's Essay on universal history and Rousseau's Emilius.
#otd #dib #IrishPhilosophyOTD #translator
#WilliamMolyneux, philosopher, born in Dublin #otd 1656. Creator of "Molyneux's problem", writer on natural and political philosophy.
#DIB https://www.dib.ie/biography/molyneux-molyneaux-william-a5878
Molyneux's "The Case of Ireland" https://www.irishphilosophy.com/2017/10/11/the-case-of-ireland/
#williammolyneux #otd #dib #IrishPhilosophyOTD
Edward Synge (1659-1741); bishop of Tuam, writer of a reply to Toland's Christianity Not Mysterious, preacher of toleration, was born #OTD in Inishannon, Co Cork in 1659.
#DIB bio: https://www.dib.ie/biography/synge-edward-a8427
He provided the first positive answer to #MolyneuxsProblem, and #WilliamMolyneux wrote of it to Locke, and of Synge as the writer of "A Gentleman's Religion", sold as a work of Locke!
Synge's answer to #JohnToland: https://www.irishphilosophy.com/2016/04/06/belief-and-the-blind-man/
#otd #dib #molyneuxsproblem #williammolyneux #johntoland #IrishPhilosophyOTD #edwardsyngeii
#WilliamThompson (1775-1833), political and utilitarian philosopher, died in Rosscarbery, Co. Cork #OTD in 1833. His "Inquiry into the distribution of wealth" (1824) is his best-known work, criticising the focus on generating wealth and not on its distribution.
He wrote the feminist tract "Appeal of one half the human race" (1825) with Anna Doyle Wheeler.
#DIB: https://www.dib.ie/biography/thompson-william-a8528
William Thompson, a Pioneer of European #Socialism https://booksandideas.net/William-Thompson-a-Pioneer-of-European-Socialism.html
#williamthompson #otd #dib #socialism #IrishPhilosophyOTD
Thomas Kingsmill Abbott (1829-1913), Kantian scholar and critic of Berkeley's theory of vision. Born #otd in 1829.
#DIB bio: https://www.dib.ie/biography/abbott-thomas-kingsmill-a0005
Berkeley's theory of vision and Abbott's critique: https://www.irishphilosophy.com/2014/12/18/small-far-away/
#otd #dib #kingsmillabbott #georgeberkeley #IrishPhilosophyOTD
William Edward Hartpole Lecky, historian & philosopher, was born in Blackrock, Co. Dublin #otd in 1838.
#DIB bio: https://www.dib.ie/biography/lecky-william-edward-hartpole-a4749
Among Lecky's works are the History of the rise and influence of the spirit of rationalism in Europe (1865), and History of European morals from Augustus to Charlemange (1869).
Fun fact: the book on morals influenced #MarkTwain. https://www.jstor.org/stable/40400783
Here's Twain's annotated copy https://cdm16694.contentdm.oclc.org/digital/collection/p261501co1l12/id/1571
#otd #dib #marktwain #IrishPhilosophyOTD #wehlecky
Thomas Kingsmill Abbott (1829-1913), Kantian scholar and critic of Berkeley's theory of vision. Born #otd in 1829.
#DIB bio: https://www.dib.ie/biography/abbott-thomas-kingsmill-a0005
Berkeley's theory of vision and Abbott's critique: https://www.irishphilosophy.com/2014/12/18/small-far-away/
#otd #dib #kingsmillabbott #georgeberkeley