roll for today! see desc. #TTRPG #DNDArt #TTRPGArt #MastoArt #myart #dice #diceaddict #artisanmade #dicegoblin #dicemaking #diceset #ttrpg #tabletoprpg #tabletopgaming #rpg #rpgdice #roleplayinggame #handmade #handmadedice #resinart #resinartist #resincrafts #resindice #dicecollection #dnd #dnddice #cr #smallbusiness #resin #resincraft #resindice #rpgdice #dicegoblins #dicemaker #dicecollector #diceset #diceporn #polyhedrals #polyhedraldice #handmadedice #clickclacks #diceart #homebrewdice
#ttrpg #dndart #ttrpgart #mastoart #myart #dice #diceaddict #artisanmade #DiceGoblin #dicemaking #diceset #tabletoprpg #tabletopgaming #rpg #rpgdice #roleplayinggame #handmade #HandmadeDice #resinart #resinartist #resincrafts #resindice #dicecollection #DnD #dnddice #cr #smallbusiness #resin #resincraft #dicegoblins #DiceMaker #DiceCollector #DicePorn #polyhedrals #polyhedraldice #clickclacks #diceart #homebrewdice
@Patrick #TTRPG #DNDArt #TTRPGArt #MastoArt #FantasyArt #myart
#dice #diceaddict #artisanmade #dicegoblin #dicemaking #diceset #tabletoprpg #tabletopgaming #rpgdice #handmade #handmadedice #resin #resinart #resinartist #resincrafts #resindice #dicecollection #epoxyart #dnd #dnd5e #dnddice #smallbusiness
#resin #resincraft #die #resindice #rpgdice #dicegoblins #dicemaker #dicecollector #diceset #diceporn #polyhedrals #polyhedraldice #handmadedice #clickclacks #diceart #homebrewdice #resinwork
#ttrpg #dndart #ttrpgart #mastoart #fantasyart #myart #dice #diceaddict #artisanmade #DiceGoblin #dicemaking #diceset #tabletoprpg #tabletopgaming #rpgdice #handmade #HandmadeDice #resin #resinart #resinartist #resincrafts #resindice #dicecollection #epoxyart #DnD #dnd5e #dnddice #smallbusiness #resincraft #die #dicegoblins #DiceMaker #DiceCollector #DicePorn #polyhedrals #polyhedraldice #clickclacks #diceart #homebrewdice #resinwork
@sewstars @godlessmom
My two sons were into D&D in the 80s and kept tons of dice (of various shapes!), so I guess they were #DiceGoblins. They still game, but it's MMO these days (of course, they're in their 50s & sitting around the dining table requires TOO much imagination!)
@OlDude82 @godlessmom
Thank You! The leather sewing for the dice bags was the easiest part. It was the cotton lining with sections that just about did me in. #DiceGoblins have tons of dice they like to keep separate, especially metal #DiceBags
7 dice bags done. 3 more to go. How many more days until Christmas? 😩
#Dice #DiceBags #DiceGoblins #DandD #Warhammer #SewingLeather #Sewing #Crafts #Handmade
#handmade #crafts #sewing #sewingleather #warhammer #dandd #dicegoblins #diceBags #dice
Bags in the making, and some finished. It’s a project! #Dice #DiceBags #Crafter #DiceGoblins #Sewing #SewingProjects #DandD #Warhammer #SewingLeather
#sewingleather #warhammer #dandd #sewingprojects #sewing #dicegoblins #crafter #diceBags #dice
I have had to do research for sewing projects before, but these dice bags for D&D goblins have been among the most intense. #dicebags #dicegoblins #dandd #DandD #warhammer
#dandd #warhammer #dicegoblins #diceBags
Der Würfel-Adventskalender versüßt mir wieder einmal die Weihnachtszeit sehr ... 🥰 #pnpde #dicegoblins #qworkshop
#pnpde #dicegoblins #qworkshop