🚧 WIP Wednesday! 🚧
The first trial batch has been engraved and is looking good!! Now to work on finishing and resin impregnation to stabilize the wood and ensure a long lasting product!!
Team Logo or Team 20???
#d20 #dice #diceaddict #diceartist #dicecollection #dicecollector #dicegame #dicegoblin #dicehoard #dicelife #dicemaker #dicemaking #diceporn
#d20 #dice #diceaddict #diceartist #dicecollection #DiceCollector #dicegame #DiceGoblin #dicehoard #dicelife #DiceMaker #dicemaking #DicePorn
🚧 WIP Friday! 🚧
Normally this would be a Wednesday post, but I was excited to share progress!! So far, pine and oak have been tested, but cant wait to do the exotics!!
What wood should be next?
#d20 #dice #diceaddict #diceartist #dicecollection #dicecollector #dicegame #dicegoblin #dicehoard #dicelife #dicemaker #dicemaking #diceporn
#d20 #dice #diceaddict #diceartist #dicecollection #DiceCollector #dicegame #DiceGoblin #dicehoard #dicelife #DiceMaker #dicemaking #DicePorn
🚧 WIP Friday! 🚧
Normally this would be a Wednesday post, but I was excited to share progress!! So far, pine and oak have been tested, but cant wait to do the exotics!!
What wood should be next?
#d20 #dice #diceaddict #diceartist #dicecollection #dicecollector #dicegame #dicegoblin #dicehoard #dicelife #dicemaker #dicemaking #diceporn
#d20 #dice #diceaddict #diceartist #dicecollection #DiceCollector #dicegame #DiceGoblin #dicehoard #dicelife #DiceMaker #dicemaking #DicePorn