Wer noch nicht genug Würfel sein eigen nennt, kann jetzt schon im #TerraMinimaShop den neuen Würfel-Adventskalender 2023 von Q-Workshop vorbestellen 😀
Ein weihnachtliches Set ist garantiert enthalten. Darüber hinaus Würfel aus dem aktuellen Sortiment plus eine Überraschung.
Zum Kalender -> https://www.terraminima.de/shop/advent-dice-calender-adventskalender/
#Adventskalender #DiceCalendar #DicePorn #DiceAddict #rpgaday2023
#TerraMinimaShop #adventskalender #dicecalendar #diceporn #diceaddict #rpgaday2023
Day 9 at #RPGaDay2023: Favourite Dice
(I add "this year" to the prompt)
This year these 6-sided dice are my favorites. I used them at "Tales from the Loop" and "Brindlewood Bay". And they roll well. 😊
The great thing about them is not just the color, but that they glow in the dark. 🤩😁
I love #GlowInTheDark
#RPGaDay #pnpde #ttrpg #BrindlewoodBay #TalesFromTheLoop #DicePorn #DiceAddict
#rpgaday2023 #glowinthedark #rpgaday #pnpde #ttrpg #BrindlewoodBay #TalesFromTheLoop #diceporn #diceaddict
Liebe #Hexxen1733- und #pnpde- und #diceporn-Bubble.
„Also jetzt mal ganz spekulativ…“ ich wollte meiner Hexxen-Tischrunde zu Weihnachten ein besonderes Geschenk machen und zwar Custom-Hexxen-Würfel. Wenn ich jemanden finden würde, der so etwas machen könnte (denn ich bin bei sowas komplett unbegabt), würde dann Ulisses mich und den*die Würfelhersteller*in wegen Lizenzgeschichten vor Gericht zerren? „Zeig mich an und ich öffne einen Sekt…“
Schaut mal, heute kamen neue Würfel für den #TerraMinimaShop von @MightyMightyDice an 😀
Sie sehen in natura noch fantastischer aus und haben eine tolle Leuchtkraft 😍 Wieder eine wunderbare Arbeit von @MightyMightyDice 🤗😊
Bis ich die Fotos fertig habe und die Würfel im Shop eingepflegt habe, könnt ihr euch gerne die bereits erhältlichen Sets anschauen. Vielleicht ist ja genau das passende Set für euch dabei:
#TerraMinimaShop #diceporn #wurfelhexe #handmadedice #handmade #pnpde
RT @Freuh3
Ce lundi à partir de 21h dans le live #GeekPowa :
-Interview : @Fablyrr pour D-start Expert chez @OpenSesameGames
-L'actu #jdr
-Le #Diceporn
-Chronique : avec la sortie des écrans @Edge_Studio_Fr , on va parler paravents ;)
Look what found its way to me... 😀
That should be 25 dice in 23 shapes (one of the d3 is a d6 with double numbers and of course the usual d10+d% couple), all different designs.
I think I'm set for almost everything #rpg now (if the hundreds if dice I already had didn't get me there already...).
#rpg #ttrpg #pnpde #dcc #mcc #dice #diceporn
RT @Freuh3
Ce lundi à partir de 21h dans le live #GeekPowa :
-Interview : @studio_agate pour L'encyclopédie de Dragon puis @melvillelanuit et @ElectricGoatJDR pour Insurrection
-L'actu #jdr
-Le #Diceporn
-Chronique : Le Dieu Voilé
Lovely dice, but I got so used to be in Europe, without the custom fees that... No, thanks.
#dice #diceporn #dicegoblin #diceset #dnd #dndpodcasts
Guten und Rutsch and Happy New Year 🎆💜
May all your rolls be crits, your health never fail you and your hot bewerage of choice always be the exact right temperature 🤗💜
#dice #DiceGoblin #DicePorn #ttprg #PnPde #DnD #DnD5e #Shadowrun #BladesInTheDark #TheBetween #NewYear #HappyNewYear
#dice #dicegoblin #diceporn #ttprg #pnpde #dnd #dnd5e #shadowrun #bladesinthedark #thebetween #newyear #happynewyear
New cathedral chonks and dice stands!
Aether Objects dice are works of art. Use this collector's stand to display them like museum pieces when they are not in play 🎲
#polyhedraldice #ttrpg #dnd #dicegoblin #d20 #dice #rpgdice #dicestand #diceporn #dicecollector #handmadedice #resindice #dungeonsanddragons #cathedraldice
#polyhedraldice #ttrpg #dnd #dicegoblin #d20 #dice #rpgdice #dicestand #diceporn #DiceCollector #handmadedice #resindice #dungeonsanddragons #cathedraldice
Dark Nebula, my first successful big D20! #dnd #dice #diceporn #dicemaking
#dicemaking #diceporn #dice #dnd
I've been working on custom #dungeonsanddragons dice sets, managed to figure out a D8 & D4 shape that I've never seen before, more coming! #diceporn #dicemaker #dnd
#dnd #dicemaker #diceporn #dungeonsanddragons
Ok, an introduction post seem a good idea.
I'm a #disabled (early onset #parkinsons) white cis-guy from the country side of the #Australia #BlueMountians with an anchistic, almost Nilist, approach to spelling and grammar
I'm a fan of #TerryPratchett #neilgaiman #douglasadams #JimButcher #BrandonSanderson and #RobinHobb books
Watch #MCU and #SuperHero movies, and look to #LinoleumKnife and #CriticallyAcclaimed podcasts for movie reviews
Spend my home days looking into #ConspiracyTheories, and highly recommend #KnowledgeFight #StuffTheyDontWantYouToKnow and #QAnonAnon podcasts for anyone trying to follow the weird alternate world pushing into reality
I relax by playing #DND (DMing at moment) and am hoping get #InvisibleSun (from #MonteCookGames), #shadowrun and several games from #kickstarter going though I have accused of #roleplayinggames just to have an excuse to be a #dicegoblin
Musicaly I'm into #NickCaveandtheBadSeeds #BabyAnimals #bjork #TheHu #faithnomore #FourPlayStringQuartet and #KimBoekbinder I like to hunt around #BandCamp for new music
Politically I'm a #progressive #Lefty with #Anachist leanings trying to support (and learn more about) #antifa #feminism #firstnations #transrights #sexworkers and other oppressed groups
I hope a good round of me. Say hi anytime, and I'll finish with hashtags that didn't fit into sentences
#daria #invaderzim #poisonelves #dredd #books #horror #comics #drwhofan #vasquez #food #Davidwong #jdate #dice #diceporn
#disabled #parkinsons #australia #bluemountians #terrypratchett #neilgaiman #douglasadams #JimButcher #brandonsanderson #robinhobb #mcu #superhero #linoleumknife #criticallyacclaimed #conspiracytheories #knowledgefight #stufftheydontwantyoutoknow #qanonanon #dnd #invisiblesun #montecookgames #shadowrun #kickstarter #roleplayinggames #dicegoblin #NickCaveandtheBadSeeds #babyanimals #bjork #TheHu #faithnomore #fourplaystringquartet #kimboekbinder #bandcamp #progressive #lefty #anachist #antifa #feminism #firstnations #transrights #sexworkers #daria #invaderzim #poisonelves #dredd #books #horror #comics #drwhofan #vasquez #food #davidwong #jdate #dice #diceporn
Phew, the #diceporn hashtag is pretty quiet over here! Gotta start somewhere, I suppose.
Here's a few sets from our recent shop launch.
#introduktion time 👋
[de] Hi, ich bin Tahina 😊
ich liebe Pen&Paper Rollenspiele! Ich leite und spiele in mehreren Kampagnen.
I.d.R. poste ich zu diesen Runden, zum #Duetgame mit meinem Partner, Würfel und mein Leben mit der chronischen Krankheit #Lupus (SLE).
Zusammen mit Gabe spreche ich alle 1-2 Monate im #DiceCourse über ein Rollenspielthema auf Twitch.
[en] Hi, I am Tahina 😊
I love playing #ttrpgs! I play in and #DM several #dnd5e campaigns.
I mostly tweet about those games, the #Duetgame with my SO, #dice (#DicePorn) and #lupus
In the #DiceCourse Gabe and I talk, every 1-2 months, about a roleplaying game topic on Twitch.
Links: https://linktr.ee/tahina
DiceCourse: https://linkr.bio/v2lz4
#introduktion #Duetgame #lupus #DiceCourse #ttrpgs #dm #dnd5e #dice #diceporn
RT @Dicey_Dungeons@twitter.activitypub.actor
Strong Lisa Frank vibes. Pinks, blues, purples, glitters, and gold flakes. To be inked in Rose Gold. Handmade by me. Made for a trade.
#handmadedice #handmadebyme #polyhedraldice #ttrpg #tabletopgames #resin #nat20 #dnd5e #rpgdice #dnd #d20
#diceporn #dungeonsanddragons
#handmadedice #handmadebyme #polyhedraldice #ttrpg #tabletopgames #resin #nat20 #dnd5e #rpgdice #dnd #d20 #diceporn #dungeonsanddragons