Allan Kaprow: 18 Happenings in Six Parts, 1959. Performance with Sam Francis, Red Grooms, Dick Higgins, Alfred Leslie, Robert Rauschenberg, Lucas Samaras, George Segal, Robert Whitman a.o. Reuben Gallery, New York. More informations: Dreher, Thomas: Performance Art seit 1945. Alktionstheater und Intermedia, Munich 2001, p.91-93,431. Internet: #allankaprow #samfrancis #robertrauschenberg #georgesegal #robertwhitman #redgrooms #dickhiggins #thomasdreher #performanceart
#performanceart #thomasdreher #dickhiggins #redgrooms #robertwhitman #GeorgeSegal #robertrauschenberg #samfrancis #allankaprow
Chronology of the artists' group Fluxus (with European, American and Asian members): Folder for the exhibition "Kunst als Grenzbeschreitung: John Cage und die Moderne", Staatsgalerie moderner Kunst in Neue Pinakothek, Munich 1991. Internet: #Fluxus #JohnCage #Dickhiggins #georgemaciunas #teenyduchamp #georgebrecht #henryflynt #namjunepaik #yokoono #robertfilliou #benvautier #wolfvostell #josephbeuys #lamonteyoung #Fluxus #fluxusart #thomasdreher
#thomasdreher #fluxusart #lamonteyoung #JosephBeuys #WolfVostell #benvautier #robertfilliou #yokoono #NamJunePaik #henryflynt #georgebrecht #teenyduchamp #georgemaciunas #dickhiggins #JohnCage #Fluxus
Chronology of the artists' group Fluxus (with European, American and Asian members): Folder for the exhibition "Kunst als Grenzbeschreitung: John Cage und die Moderne", Staatsgalerie moderner Kunst in Neue Pinakothek, Munich 1991. Internet: #Fluxus #JohnCage #Dickhiggins #georgemaciunas #teenyduchamp #georgebrecht #henryflynt #namjunepaik #yokoono #robertfilliou #benvautier #wolfvostell #josephbeuys #lamonteyoung #Fluxus #fluxusart #thomasdreher
#thomasdreher #fluxusart #lamonteyoung #JosephBeuys #WolfVostell #benvautier #robertfilliou #yokoono #NamJunePaik #henryflynt #georgebrecht #teenyduchamp #georgemaciunas #dickhiggins #JohnCage #Fluxus
Performance art gives such diverse options for spending our spare time. Everyone will find something.
-- Gotta go in 10 minutes, anything we can do together?
-- Maybe Danger Music Number Seventeen?
[Scream! Scream! Scream! Scream! Scream! Scream!]
#performanceArt #performance #art #DickHiggins #fluxus #music #soundActivity
#performanceart #performance #art #dickhiggins #fluxus #music #soundactivity