Just published an extensive article and video on using #AudioPen. Gets rid of all hesitations, errs, umhs etc and generates a beautiful AI transcription in the style you instruct it to use. Amazing tech.
#dictate #transcription https://ricraftis.au/ai-tools/exploring-audiopen-an-exciting-ai-transcription-tool/
#audiopen #dictate #transcription
The… #WildernessSociety & other #environmental grps…had urged the court to uphold the temporary halt in #pipeline completion… & cited an 1871 #SCOTUS #precedent that held that #Congress can specify rules about how #FederalCourt cases should be heard & resolved, but it cannot #dictate how federal courts should rule, as that would be an #unconstitutional intrusion the #SeparatePowers of the #judiciary & would allow Congress "to pick winners & losers" in #litigation that before the federal courts.
#wildernesssociety #environmental #pipeline #scotus #precedent #congress #federalcourt #dictate #unconstitutional #separatepowers #judiciary #litigation
#dictate : to tell or utter so that another may write down
- French: dicter
- German: diktiert
- Italian: dettare
- Portuguese: ditar
- Spanish: dictar
Join our new Discord Server for language learners @ https://wordofthehour.org/discord
#dictate : to tell or utter so that another may write down
- French: dicter
- German: diktiert
- Italian: dettare
- Portuguese: ditar
- Spanish: dictar
Join our new Discord Server for language learners @ https://wordofthehour.org/discord
A new #SupremeCourt case could turn every workplace into a religious #battleground.
The Supreme Court announced on #Friday that it will hear Groff v. DeJoy, a case that could give religious conservatives an unprecedented new ability to #dictate how their workplaces operate, and which workplace #rules they will #refuse to follow.
#supremecourt #Battleground #friday #dictate #rules #refuse
Selling #Mastodon on "people are nice here" is completely the #wrong move. I don't want vanilla posts consisting of cat pics and #utopian wet dreams. I want hard hitting #stories and #discussions about global/local issues, politics, and personal struggles. And that means many different viewpoints, including ones that aren't agreed upon by the majority. The selling point for Mastodon is that a #despotic #billionaire or mega-#corporation can't #dictate what is the "right" thing to talk about.
#billionaire #mastodon #wrong #utopian #stories #discussions #despotic #corporation #dictate
That's better. Back on mastodon australia. australia.
Also, Apple dictate, FYI, mastodon should not be dictated as master john.
#Dictate #DictateFail #Accessibility
#dictate #dictatefail #accessibility
@Covidisheretostaypleasewearn95 & I can understand how family can be offended you don’t want to share their air but #whatever
July my 88 yr single neighbor almost got me sick; lonely, loves small talk. Her questions annoy me, but normally I oblige
Had to tell her to her face, something I’ve never done in my life b/c #societyRules #dictate #decorum
“You know I always love chatting w/you, but b/c you don’t mask you almost got me VERY sick again, so please when you see me or my husband, 4/5
#whatever #societyrules #dictate #decorum