They won't know they have done anything wrong.
And they will be blocked by #Publishers. Per a couple of sites. That do not describe what they consider #AI.
Spell and Grammar Check were listed on one site. Do they consider Word, Scrivener, #ScreenReaders, #Dictation (Dragon), and Read Back programs that allow #Blind, #DeafBlind, #Autistic people, and people with cognitive disabilities to write?
How many #Disabled #Authors will these polices block from being published?
#authors #disabled #autistic #deafblind #blind #dictation #screenreaders #ai #publishers
This for me is the now-years-old equivalent of recording my voice through an oscillating fan and guffawing at the playback.
> * If only changes are stored, is the first hi Pepper hi oh stop the song yeah hey hands touching hands oh wow Apps yes taboo scuba the day oh stop stop Down yeah yes yeah no call Jesus fucking out poop I wish I were a little bit taller oh boy I wish I was a Baller motherfucker shit
#5318008 indeed.
These are just too precious to not keep. I was massaging my triceps and doing some therapeutic angry grumbling.
> Please give each color as a RGB one by triplet in decimal. For example (123, 45, 67 Adam praying for you gosh oh oh good review dude not cool no not cool boo thanks can I have stuff do you know yo-yo yo-yo yeah yeah yeah our our our our our our our add yes do you do). Please choose the best name you can for each color. I know there are many Color names, it...
#mac #dictation #fail. I don't know what I was muttering but the output was poetic:
> Hello butt oh fruit
I end up using my #Mac #dictation a lot. It seems to misunderstands me in a consistent way.
Take one of your pocket #llms and teach it how to convert dictation output [back] into what it thinks was said!
Training data: a corpus and what #dictation heard when you read it. No big deal to add as you go.
Presto: perfect transcription.
Seems like light lifting for an #llm to me.
Above all let's put #DNS out of business. Bandits.
(the other #DNS)
#mac #dictation #llms #llm #dns
I'm having a maddening error with my iPhoneSE (iOS 14.8). I have a new hair stylist with the same first name, but her spelling is very unconventional. Let's say Bryndah for Brenda. I haven't communicated with her all that much, but my phone now seems to think that Bryndah is how I spell my name.
I have:
-- deleted Siri & Dictation History
-- reset the Keyboard Dictionary
-- set a Keyboard Shortcut with the correct spelling
-- assigned a Phonetic First Name to myself
-- removed "Bryndah" from my Contacts
-- turned it off and back on
-- yelled at #Siri, "OMFG, that's not how I spell my name!"
Nothing has worked. Any suggestions, friends?
#siri #iPhoneSE #iOS14 #voicetotext #dictation #stupidai
#fails - For various reasons I make heavy use of #dictation on my #Mac. I haven't found a way to toggle the #transcription part of the #accessibility > voice control. Sometimes I forget to toggle it off when I walk away _with the cursor in some random place_. Being in pain a lot recently and being a natural grumbler, endless stuff comes out of my mouth impulsively. The paragraph that greeted me when I returned...
#fails #dictation #mac #transcription #accessibility
Why is it that #dictation on my #iPad understands ‘fuck’ perfectly while #dictation on my #iPhone ducks it up every time?
#dictation #ipad #iPhone #autocorrect #ios #ipados #siri #posse #riddlemethis
The voice programming and dictation software, talon, is all but a necessity for me at this point. I went several months without using dictation at all, simply relying on my 8-key keyboard, but I found myself slacking on writing tasks after while, which became distressing. So I finally switched back to talon after wrangling jack for a bit on a newer laptop.
Despite having tremendous community support and development, the source code for talon itself isn't, and seemingly will never be, #FOSS. This is distressing for a number of reasons: developer lock-in, and inability to fix nagging issues -- solutions to which were placed behind a paywall months ago, with no signs of being released to the general public any time soon.
At this point I only really need dictation support, as everything else is pretty manageable on my keyboard. And yet, unless I'm missing something, I don't think that there's any viable solutions of this point, at least not yet. This is despite several open source STT libraries being available for years, and with even more machine learning based implementations coming through the pipeline soon. Wild.
Maybe I should give VOSK another try today!
#accessibility #dictation #whisperai #talon #foss
What happened to Siri in 2019?
Around the release of iOS 13 Siri's accuracy was significantly reduced. Seemingly over night Siri went from being easily the best voice recognition I'd ever seen - to being one of the worst and it hasn't recovered.
Back on iOS 11/12 - Siri's average accuracy when I was speaking standard English (aka not jargon) was a pretty consistent 94%.
As soon as iOS 12 (or it may have been 13) was released there was a massive dive right down to 30-75%.
Interestingly 4 years on and it hasn't got back to where it was previously - in fact I doubt it's really improved much at all as it's average accuracy now seems to sit around 60% for me.
I do wonder if Apple doesn't test New Zealand and Australian accents very well and has made some sort of storage or compute savings by applying a less specific model to it's speech recognition engine.
Does anyone have any insight as to what might have happened?
#Apple #Siri #VoiceControl #Dictation #iOS #Australia #NewZealand
#apple #siri #voicecontrol #dictation #ios #australia #newzealand
The ideal way to write an essay, for me, is to dictate it while on a long hike. You can't beat fresh air and exercise versus sitting at a desk.
I've rarely managed the trick, because it feels awkward to dictate and because it's hard to have all the necessary context in my head.
But when it works, as it did tonight, it feels wonderful!
#writing #dictation #exercise #freshair
The latest in a series of #healthcare companies choosing #BigTech partners' #LLMs to boost the size, scale, & speed of their #AI models?
#3M, a longtime clinical software player, is trying to turn their M*Modal #dictation product into a conversational AI medical note-writing product with a boost from #Amazon Bedrock:
#healthcare #bigtech #llms #ai #3m #dictation #amazon
Tarot? Choreography? Dictation? How these skills can help you improve your writing #writingexercises #KoboWritingLife #self-publishing #marketresearch #collaboration #KWLCommunity #bookresearch #choreography #writingtips #authortips #fanfiction #dictation #marketing #research #writing #Tarot #Blog #Kobo #tips #KWL
#writingexercises #kobowritinglife #self #marketresearch #collaboration #kwlcommunity #BookResearch #choreography #writingtips #authortips #fanfiction #dictation #marketing #research #writing #tarot #blog #kobo #tips #KWL
Anyone who have really tried the #dictation software in #Microsoft Word? I’ve started to think about how much typing on keyboards really matter, right now and in the years ahead.
Sometime last week I accidentally turned on dictation mode on my iPhone. Today I opened up that note and read:
"Oh God Sophie what did you do? Oh God Sophie"
(I think this captured the precise moment she rolled in something she shouldn't have... resulting in me having to give her a shower when we got home.)
#dogsofmastodon #iPhone #dictation
#iOS keyboard #dictation tip: you can turn off that obnoxious beep sound that occurs when you press the #microphone to use voice dictation on the keyboard by tapping the microphone and lowering the volume before saying anything. This will only lower the volume for the dictation tone. Bliss 😇
Generously donated, along with a vinyl wallet filled with extra dictabelts and index cards, by Thomas Vogel. (2/2)
#ibm #executary #dictation #dictaphone #recording #voicerecorder #dictabelt #retrotech #obsoletetechnology #cultureofsound #soundbeyondmusic #museumofportablesound
#ibm #executary #dictation #dictaphone #recording #voicerecorder #dictabelt #retrotech #ObsoleteTechnology #cultureofsound #soundbeyondmusic #museumofportablesound
Our #ObjectOfTheWeek is our first #NewAcquisition of 2023: an IBM 224 ‘Executary’ Dictation Unit (1965) in a leather carrying case, for allegedly smart white men to record their thoughts on the go - onto large ‘dictabelts’- for their women secretaries to listen to & type up. (1/2)
#dictation #VoiceRecorder #1960s #dictabelt #IBM #BusinessMarket
#objectoftheweek #newacquisition #dictation #voicerecorder #1960s #dictabelt #ibm #businessmarket
Any of my followers use #dragon or other kinds of #dictation in combination with a screen reader as a partial/occasional replacement for typing?