Oh, miau, dass #DIDAwarenessDay ist, wäre fast an mir vorbei gegangen! Nun, wer ein bisschen was über #DIS und #Trauma erfahren möchte, #Fantasy -Geschichten mag und #Katzen, kann ja mal hier einen Blick reinwerfen 😸.
Es grüßt euch euer Merlin 🐾🌟
#katzen #fantasy #trauma #dis #didawarenessday
Today is Dissociative Identity Disorder Awareness Day 2023
Check out talented artist Daniemililly
You can find her on tumblr
Warning: they use/discuss some adult themes
#didawarenessday #dissociativeidentitydisorder #systempride #pluralgang #did
One thing we run into when trying to discuss multiplicity, and being a dissociative system, is that there is no one agreed upon set of language or customs, which is similar in some ways to queer language, so when people ask us what the right words to use are, we honestly don't have an answer because there is no answer, and that's Pretty Dang Beautifully Plural of us XD