I really would love if some nutjob CEO hooked on the AI hype drug would actually go through with the idea of replacing people with AI-agents.
I see two possible outcomes:
1. It all goes completely as expected, right down the shitter and it would be wonderfully entertaining to watch.
2. It all goes completely unexpectedly fantastic and my smug comment will have to be eaten with a pile of "told ya", you pleb.
Not sure which one I want to see more but probably 2 because while temporary internet fame would be awesome... Having AI overlords couls be interesting as well.
#ArtificialIntelligence #ToldYou #DidntSeeThatOneComing #FatChance
#artificialintelligence #toldyou #didntseethatonecoming #fatchance
after giving a workshop on data ethics an attendee gives me feedback:
"I like how this is all so practical and easy to apply"