How we know, from an epidemiological standpoint, that there is no cardiac sudden death coverup. Authorship credits to Dr Katelyn Jetelina Your Local Epidemiologist and Dr Kristen Panthagani, MD, PhD.
#VaccinationEducation #immunology #COVID19 #diedsuddenly #diedsuddenlydocumentary
#vaccinationeducation #immunology #COVID19 #DiedSuddenly #diedsuddenlydocumentary
#DiedSuddenlydocumentary #DiedSuddenly #vaccineswork The video is out on rumble and, is essentially a list of people who appeared to have fainted on TV - where the narrator attributes every cause to immunization. Here's the debunk. pt2🧵
#VaccinesWork #DiedSuddenly #diedsuddenlydocumentary
#DiedSuddenlydocumentary #DiedSuddenly #vaccineswork The video is out on rumble and, is essentially a list of people who appeared to have fainted on TV - where the narrator attributes every cause to immunization. Here's the debunk.🧵(1/8)
#VaccinesWork #DiedSuddenly #diedsuddenlydocumentary
Excellent threat by debunking the #DiedSuddenlydocumentary conspiracy theory that the Covid-19 vaccine was created to "depopulate the world" (seems to be having the opposite effect in saving millions of lives from SARS-CoV-2. Astonishing what passes for a documentary.
#DiedSuddenlydocumentary is really dumb. Here is part 1 where I address Ryan Cole's cancer claims:
RT @dr_jon_l
#DiedSuddenlydocumentary is really dumb. Here is part 1 where I address Ryan Cole's cancer claims:
I have some words. It is a farrago of conspiracist bullshit that does not bear the smallest amount of intelligent scrutiny. That presenters are promoting it should be a matter of concern to the public and the regulator. Facts here:
Watching #DiedSuddenlydocumentary. I have no words. Just absolute horror.
Dit dus 👇🏻
Tsja… Died Suddenly… de “documentaire” die eergisteren uitkwam. Het houdt Twitter wel in z’n greep. Ook ik schreef er al eerder over. En nu ik hem heb gezien (kwelling!) vind ik er wat van. Lezen jullie even mee? #Debunk #DiedSuddenly #DiedSuddenlydocumentary 1/21
#debunk #DiedSuddenly #diedsuddenlydocumentary
Here's the documentary #DiedSuddenly in its entirety.
We tried to warn them.
#DiedSuddenly #diedsuddenlynews #diedsuddenlydocumentary
Ik zie dat #DiedSuddenly en #DiedSuddenlyDocumentary trending zijn. Dat mensen onverwacht sterven is van alle tijden. En hoewel veel geïnsinueerd wordt is er geen enkel bewijs dat het vaccin ermee te maken heeft! Deze film is niets anders dan anti-vax propaganda. Trap er niet in!
#diedsuddenlydocumentary #DiedSuddenly
(read on to part 2 if desired). #DiedSuddenlydocumentary #DiedSuddenly #vaccineswork The video is out on rumble and, is essentially a list of people who appeared to have fainted on TV - where the narrator attributes every cause to immunization. Here's the debunk. pt2🧵 #publichealth #clot #vaccination #cardiology #covid #COVID19
#diedsuddenlydocumentary #DiedSuddenly #vaccineswork #publichealth #Clot #vaccination #cardiology #COVID #COVID19
RT @keetmuise
Died Suddenly has been going on since a few weeks after the pandemic began, Long before vaccines were made and distributed. Died suddenly is because of #Covid19, not the vaccine.
#BringBackMasks #DiedSuddenlyNews #DiedSuddenlydocumentary #DiedSuddenly #CovidIsNotOver
#CovidIsNotOver #DiedSuddenly #diedsuddenlydocumentary #diedsuddenlynews #BringBackMasks #COVID19
Died Suddenly has been going on since a few weeks after the pandemic began, Long before vaccines were made and distributed. Died suddenly is because of #Covid19, not the vaccine.
#BringBackMasks #DiedSuddenlyNews #DiedSuddenlydocumentary #DiedSuddenly #CovidIsNotOver
#COVID19 #BringBackMasks #diedsuddenlynews #diedsuddenlydocumentary #diedsuddenly #CovidIsNotOver
#DiedSuddenlydocumentary #DiedSuddenly #vaccineswork The video is out on rumble and, is essentially a list of people who appeared to have fainted on TV - where the narrator attributes every cause to immunization. Here's the debunk.🧵(1/8)
#diedsuddenlydocumentary #DiedSuddenly #vaccineswork