@philosophy #DieterHenrich's "Hegel im Kontext" describes Hegel's >Sein< as "unbestimmte Unmittelbarkeit" and as the "unity of position and negation".
In my own words I would describe that as "no information except that we want to deal with it", and in #Bayesian statistics that's, I assume, an analog to Jeffrey's Prior.
Can anyone comment?
@ar1 it's a bit difficult to understand. Key: remove "des Glaubenden", add Kantian to "Vernunftglaube" -> Ich gets a transcendental connotation. It ends up close to Aurobindu's "supermind" (which is no accident - the Indian guru was influenced by #Idealism).
My position is closer to #Pragmatism and the #Process #Philosophy of #Whitehead or #Hartshorne. With the help of #DieterHenrich it's possible to relate all that to Kant and Hegel. Just about to discover #Vereinigungsphilosophie & #Herder.
#herder #vereinigungsphilosophie #dieterhenrich #hartshorne #whitehead #philosophy #process #pragmatism #Idealism
The great German philosopher Dieter Henrich passed away yesterday at the age of 95.
You can listen to his lecture "Kant's Analysis of Aesthetic Judgment" (Stanford University, 1990) on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmACkcAWDUQ
#Dieterhenrich #philosophy #Kant @philosophy
#dieterhenrich #philosophy #kant